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Preventing & Overcoming Burnout Presented by: Mike Allen LifeWork Strategies.

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Presentation on theme: "Preventing & Overcoming Burnout Presented by: Mike Allen LifeWork Strategies."— Presentation transcript:

1 Preventing & Overcoming Burnout Presented by: Mike Allen LifeWork Strategies

2 Objectives Define burnout and identify causes. Identify burnout symptoms and behaviors. Assess if you are burned out. Learn strategies for coping with and preventing burnout.

3 What is Burnout? Depletion of mental, physical, and emotional energy without expected or real needs being met; constant giving without receiving in return.

4 The Path of Unrelenting Stress Burnout is part of the stress experience. It is the end-stage of unrelenting stress. Burnout compromises physical and emotional wellbeing. When something has to give…it’s usually caring for ourselves that goes first. When we stop caring for ourselves, we put ourselves at risk for burnout.

5 The Descent Into Burnout

6 Symptoms of Burnout Physical Mental/Emotional Behavioral

7 Physical Symptoms Low energy/exhaustion Insomnia or oversleeping Muscle tension Decrease/increase in appetite Headaches Decreased sexual drive Undefined feeling of illness Rapid pulse Heart palpitations Elevated blood pressure Digestive disorders Rashes/itching Frequent urination Shakiness and trembling Frequent colds

8 Mental & Emotional Feeling of loss of control Loss of meaning Feeling inadequate/incompetent Forgetful Resistant to suggestions Feeling trapped Difficulty concentrating Boredom Feeling work doesn’t fit in with personal values Loss of sense of humor In denial Detached Sad Fearful/anxious Frustrated Overwhelmed

9 Behavioral Symptoms Accident prone Increased use of sick days Sighing Irritable/angry Tearful Withdrawn Cynical Changes in relationships Unresponsive Working hard but not being as productive Increased use of medication, alcohol, and other drugs

10 Sources of Burnout Personal Environmental Organizational

11 Personal Sources Health issues Boredom Financial problems Ineffective habits Caregiving without respite Lack of social support Values, attitudes Lack of coping mechanisms Disruptive or unhealthy relationships

12 Environmental Sources Noise, light, temperature, humidity Technostress/information overload Lack of proper equipment Job hazards/risks Ergonomic issues Overcrowding

13 Organizational Sources Too much to do/too little to do Role ambiguity Too much responsibility Lack of training Accountability Overqualified/under qualified Uncertain future Management style Company culture Constant change Few opportunities for growth, creativity, making contribution

14 Avoiding Burnout Set limits Delegate responsibility Take breaks Seek support Have a problem solving plan Create energizing environment

15 Avoiding Burnout Socialize Find a role model Become an expert in your field Build relationships outside your company Communicate to get perspective Become a mentor Document your successes Monitor your external voice Monitor your internal voice

16 Avoid Burnout Engage in ongoing self-assessment Set goals Change your routine Take care of yourself Laugh Avoid Toxic People

17 Thank You!

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