ACTIVE AND HEALTHY PRIMARY SCHOOLS -MAKING IT EASIER Integrating active travel easily into everyday school life.

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Presentation on theme: "ACTIVE AND HEALTHY PRIMARY SCHOOLS -MAKING IT EASIER Integrating active travel easily into everyday school life."— Presentation transcript:

1 ACTIVE AND HEALTHY PRIMARY SCHOOLS -MAKING IT EASIER Integrating active travel easily into everyday school life

2 Aim of the session Describe the STARS programme and how it can benefit your school Explain the support you can get from the borough and TfL to make delivering STARS easy Provide a first hand account from a school about the benefits of STARS

3 TfL’s work and vision for schools and young people 3 To promote active, safer and responsible travel that will remain with young people through adult life Provide access to the right information to help them make appropriate choices and travel confidently.

4 What is STARS? Sustainable Travel: Active Responsible Safe Travel accreditation programme for schools London boroughs + TfL Choose from a range of initiatives tailored to the needs of your pupils and school 4

5 What is STARS? (2) 3 award levels in STARS: More initiatives + greater change in travel behaviour = higher award STARS Online enables you to: –Plan, action and monitor your Travel Plan –Apply for STARS accreditation –Enable sustainability of programme

6 Planning Hands up / Consultation IssuesTargets Travel initiatives Plan your activity using STARS Online:

7 Resources

8 Changing travel behaviour

9 What can STARS do for your school? Less congestion Less pollution Safer roads outside school Healthier active students Student voice and empowerment Skills and knowledge Improves student achievement

10 Sit down if…and Petrol Savers How active are you and how many Petrol miles do you save? STARS schools save 22 million kilometres of car travel as part of the morning school journey each year 28 return trips to the moon

11 Opportunities for schools STARS accreditation gives you priority access to funding support from TfL

12 Cycle Grants for Schools Up to £3,000 per school For pool bikes, storage solutions, instructor training for teachers, events, or cycle clubs Schools must be within 0.5 miles of cycle infrastructure (i.e. Quietways)

13 TfL School Cycle / Scooter Parking For STARS accredited schools Deadline: TBC, December 2016 Contact your borough officer for application

14 Cycle Training Available free of charge in all London boroughs for pupils under 16 Adult cycle training for teachers can be booked through the TfL website (free or subsidised) Additional funding may be available through your borough, e.g. Enhanced Child Cycle Training funding

15 Walking Grants for Schools Up to £300 to set up a walking activity Seven grants per borough Apply via your Borough Officer

16 Bike It Plus Intensive cycle engagement programme Hubs with 1 secondary + 5 primary schools Not all boroughs taking part

17 Top Tips from STARS schools of 2014/2015 Funding ideas: Retailers and local companies Co-op walking school bus Local supermarket 5p a bag charge scheme Barclays bank match funding scheme Local businesses/bike shops Larger retailers – e.g. Halfords & Toys’r’us sponsored events at schools Ward councillors – may have funds for small projects

18 Top Tips from STARS schools of 2014/2015 Consultation ideas : Surveys SurveyMonkey Sustrans local environment survey and teaching resources Parents, teachers, staff and residents Pupil-led – JTAs/School Travel working group Project around the school (take pictures, make observations) Produce songs, record and share – collecting messages from other classes Older pupils consult younger pupils Pupils produce a special annual report

19 Thanks for listening Angela Green Education & Training Project Officer Transport for London Palestra, 11 th Floor 197 Blackfriars Road London SE1 8NJ

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