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Parent Education Night How to best use parent connect, prepare for tests, stay on top of homework, help your child build habits for success in the future,

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Presentation on theme: "Parent Education Night How to best use parent connect, prepare for tests, stay on top of homework, help your child build habits for success in the future,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Parent Education Night How to best use parent connect, prepare for tests, stay on top of homework, help your child build habits for success in the future, and how to motivate your child to want to do better.

2 Middle School o Transition to middle school can be difficult for students. o It is not uncommon to see a drop in grades during transitions. o Middle school can be a confusing time for students and parents. Many changes take place during these three years.

3 Middle School (Cont.) These changes include- Academic  5-6 teachers per day  Movement from class to class  Varying due dates, classroom expectations  Increased academic difficulty  Daily PE  Increased need for organization  Increased responsibility

4 Middle School (Cont). Social  Change in friends  Meet new people  Bullying peaks at this time  More social opportunities (dances, clubs, etc.)  Need for acceptance and approval by peers  Susceptible to peer influence  Exposure to social networking  Peer pressure

5 Middle School (Cont.) Emotional/Physical Changes  Puberty Mood Swings, anxiety, depression Leave me alone vs. need you Increased sensitivity Demand fair treatment Crushes, romantic feelings for others Increased emotion, can reach high emotion quickly, difficulty coping Self-esteem Dramatic changes seen from 6 th to 8 th grade

6 Rules Make rules that are fair Develop consequences you can follow through with. Be consistent Catch them being good Keep lectures short (5 to 10 minutes) Listen, Listen, Listen

7 Procedures Have the same thing happen every night (Key is CONSISTENCY) Most children operate best in a structured setting Example  Ask them about their day at school and be specific. How was your day? What was the best part of your school day and why?  Have students do their homework as soon as they get home Quiet environment (no iPod, no TV, no internet, no games)  Check over homework and have the student correct errors Look at their planner and hold them accountable for not having things written in it. If you don’t understand something tell them, they will feel good knowing they are not the only ones who struggle with difficult concepts. Use the internet to help explain difficult concepts  Praise and reward success

8 Consistency You must follow through with your consequences and rewards You must follow through with your rules and procedures You must be the model of living to a high standard in your work and your life You must show them that it is okay to ask for help

9 Positive Expectations Tell them you know they can be successful Sit down with your child while they do their homework Tell them you are proud of their efforts when you see them studying Tell them you expect them to do better and will help them

10 How to Effectively use Parent Connect Check weekly but not more Allow time for updates  Contact teachers via email to see when they do their updates. If your child has missing assignments that they claim to have turned in contact the teacher if the assignments still show up as missing. Make sure your child has their Student Connect number and can access it.

11 Science Help Science textbook website  http://www.go.hrw.com Comprehension:  Interactive reader has thought questions in the margins and "The Big Idea" in the beginning of each section.  CMAST Teaching

12 Math Help Encourage your child to bring class notes home  This helps them when they are stuck on a formula, etc.. Several teachers have after school or lunch help. “Math Doesn’t Suck” by Danica McKellar  How to survive middle school math. YouTube has many videos which can walk you and your child through difficult concepts  search “Math Help”  Use google for vocabulary that is confusing (academic vocabulary)

13 English Help Read a book with your child to show them that it is important  You can then talk with them about the story  Ask questions as you read for: 1. comprehension 2. predicting future events 3. vocabulary 4. themes and character analysis

14 Social Studies Help Workbooks  Active Reader – outlines chapter  Reading Essentials – summarizes chapter bh/cahss.html bh/cahss.html Encourage study buddies Focus on bold words in texts If your child has a project, ask to see their rubric

15 P.E. Help Teleparent phone messages regularly go home for reminders of assignments and reports on the student's behavior, positive and otherwise. Supplies (paper, pencil, planner and SHOES) are a must to participate and be successful.

16 Homework and Organization Bring required materials to class  2 inch (or larger) binder  Dividers (one section per class)  Pencil case (pencils, pens)  Paper  Folder/section for homework  Folder/section for miscellaneous (art, etc.)  Planner  Keep backpack and materials at home in same place. Pack the night before.

17 Homework and Organization Time management/homework routine. Help your child with organization. Help your child with homework. Check planner against other sources of information (website, etc.). Return homework to binder, not textbook, or backpack. Clean out binder, textbooks, and backpack at least once per week. Study and prepare for exams (reread, notecards, etc.). Phone numbers of peers, study buddies.

18 More Help Math   Everything     English   Educational Game Websites   Helping your child with homework 

19 When Your Child Struggles Identify the problem, which can be difficult. Identify factors that may be affecting your child, including-  Illness, changes in family, problems with friends, mental health (depression, anxiety, change in mood), lack of motivation, lack of skills, disappointments, death of a loved one, etc.  Consult with school counselor and/or teachers.  Seek resources (tutoring, counseling, pediatrician, etc.).

20 Additional Resources Helping your child become responsible citizens  tml tml Parenting: Communication tips for parents  Torrance Juvenile Diversion  Individual, Family and Group Counseling  Fee is on a sliding scale  310-618-5555. Spanish speaking staff available.

21 Quick Review/Tips For Students 1.Believe you can 2.Be organized 3.Manage time 4.Study for short periods frequently 5.Be prepared/on time. 6.Take notes 7.Ask for help For Parents 1.Be interested 2.Discuss their classes 3.Be available 4.Listen 5.Encourage 6.Monitor 7.Be consistent 8.Communicate 9.Ask for help

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