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Homework and You Saturday School for Parents November 1, 2008

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1 Homework and You Saturday School for Parents November 1, 2008
Spotswood Elementary School

2 Quiz Time Which of the following do you do?
Provide a quiet, well-lit space, away from distractions Have materials (paper, pencils, scissors, crayons) ready for your child to use Create a regular after school schedule Limit TV time and do not allow it during homework Make yourself available to answer questions. Ask questions to help guide your child when he/she is having difficulty Review completed and graded assignments with your child. Talk to your child’s teacher about any concerns you have.

3 Why Homework? It helps teachers learn what your child does well – and where your child may need help. It helps you as a parent to see what your child does well – and where your child may need help. In elementary school, homework helps promote good study habits, fosters responsibility and prepares your child for middle and high school. It reinforces skills that have been taught during the school day.

4 Homework Space Quiet, free from distractions Materials ready
No T.V. or radio Materials ready Pencils, paper, markers available Backpack and books from school ready to go. Well lit and comfortable (not tooo comfortable )

5 After School Schedules
Wondering how many days a week your 2nd grader should be playing soccer? Searching for after school ideas for your 1st grader? What follows are some suggestions to steer your decisions…. Remembering that you know your child best!

6 Kindergarten Keep your kindergartener’s after school life simple and free – one or two after school activities PER WEEK are more than enough. Make sure that your child is adjusting to the daily school routine first; then find an activity that involves creativity or movement such as dance, art, soccer, etc.

7 Grade 1 Balance is the name of the game! Schedule play dates, go to the playground and one or two days of after school activities per week. After being in school all day, your child needs an outlet to play and run!

8 Grade 2 Let your child help to decide what they would like to do! Make sure your child has at least one or two free days per week for alone time. If after school activities are starting to interfere with school work, or your child seems stressed, you need to drop an activity or two.

9 Grade 3 Your 3rd grader needs to move and socialize after school! Team sports are a great choice now that they are old enough to remember rules and can handle losing. Remember that you still need to schedule family time too!

10 Grade 4 Look at getting your child involved in one or two activities that they are really interested in. It helps build confidence and teaches them to manage stress, which is key at this age, since social pressures are beginning to build.

11 Grade 5 Over scheduling can become a problem at this age. Your child has lots of energy and wants to spend time with friends and doing activities. You will need to build in much needed family time to show them that family is important!

12 Warning Signs That Your Child May Be Overscheduled
No time for sleep or homework? Do they act grouchy, mopey or irritable? When heading for the door, do they “lose” equipment or throw a tantrum? Is the schedule they keep draining your family?

13 Balance Remember that any after school activities need to be balanced with homework and family time. Teachers expect children to complete their homework each night. If there is not time for homework, then there are too many activities.

14 How Can I Help? When you and your child are together, ask about their day and any work they need to complete. Ask your 3rd/4th grader to see their assignment book. Make yourself available to listen to young children read. Be available to help with homework if asked. Look over your child’s completed work for neatness and accuracy. If required, sign any homework sheets or assignment books. Encourage your child to put their homework in their backpack as soon as it is completed.

15 Confused? Feel free to contact your child’s teacher with any concerns or questions.

16 Homework Goodies Supply Box Fun Book Enjoy the rest of your day!

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