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Warm-Up Tue, February 16 What kind of factors build up and eventually lead to a war between nations?

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2 Warm-Up Tue, February 16 What kind of factors build up and eventually lead to a war between nations?

3 American Civil War 1861-1865 Mexican American War 1848 Reconstruction 1865 to 1877

4 Industrialization 1870s-1900 Large-Scale Immigration to U.S. 1880s Imperialism & Progressive 1890 s -1910 s

5  “The Great War”

6  Dates: July 1914 - November 1918  Action: More than 70 million military personnel mobilized  Damage: 6 th deadliest conflict in world history  Location: Europe, Africa, the Middle East, the Pacific Islands, China and off the coast of South and North America

7 Gray: Neutral Green: Allied Powers Orange: Axis Powers Germany Austria Russia France Italy Britain America Ottoman Empire Serbia Bulgaria Belligerent (n.) A nation or person engaged in war or conflict, as recognized by international law.


9 Long Term Causes  Alliance System- o Alliances are made when nations make formal agreements to back each other up. o Many alliances made in secret o Designed to keep peace in Europe, instead pushed continent towards war

10  Alliance System- PRE-WWI o By 1907 two major alliances: Triple Alliance Triple Entente Germany England Austria-Hungary France Italy Russia

11  Nationalism o Deep Devotion to One’s Nation o Created bitterness towards other nations and ethnicities.

12  Militarism o Glorifying military power o Arms race for military technology and superiority o Keeping a large standing army prepared for war

13  Imperialism- o European competition for colonies o Quest for colonies often almost led to war o Imperialism led to rivalry and mistrust amongst European nations

14 The Spark:



17  Franz Ferdinand was born royalty and was heir to the Austrian throne.  Before Franz’s father died, he allowed Hungary into the Austrian empire as self- governing  This angered many people and there was tension among the citizens.  Soon Austria-Hungary took control over Bosnia and the Bosnians really loathed the Archduke.  Once Franz took control over the country, he had many enemies


19  Franz met Sophie Chotek von Chotkova at a ball in Prague in 1888. The couple fell in love, but although Sophie came from a prominent family, she was not royalty.  Franz Ferdinand knew that she would never be accepted as the wife of the future emperor.

20  Sophie and Franz kept their relationship a secret for over 2 years.

21 When the Archduchess discovered who Franz Ferdinand actually wanted to marry she promptly sacked Sophie. In order to save his love’s reputation (ladies-in-waiting were apparently assumed to have done something immoral to deserve dismissal) the heir to the throne announced the reason for Sophie getting the pink slip. He also declared his love for her and resolved to marry no one else but her.  Sophie worked in a more prestigious aristrocratic household as a “lady-in- waiting” ; just a servant to Archduchess Isabella Teschen.  Franz would often make visits to the household to see Sophie. It was presumed that Franz’s frequent visits were for courting the Teschen’s oldest daughter Marie Christine.

22  One day the Archduchess found a locket left by Franz that revealed who his true love was.  The furious Archduchess immediately fired Sophie.  To save her reputation, he publicly declared his love for Sophie.

23 Emperor Franz Josef made it clear to Franz that he would not be allowed to marry her. Franz insisted he would not marry anyone else.  Finally, Emperor Franz Josef made a deal with Franz. He could marry Sophie but at a price. o Her descendants would not be allowed to succeed to the throne. o Sophie would not be allowed to accompany her husband in the royal carriage nor could she sit by his side in the royal box.

24  In July, 1900 Franz & Sophie were married.  Franz’s uncle, the Emperor, did not attend the wedding. The only people of the royal family who went to the ceremony was Franz Ferdinand's stepmother, and her 2 daughters.

25 Over the next few years the couple had three children: Sophie, Maximilian, & Ernst. In a letter to his stepmother he wrote “ You don’t know how happy I am with my family…the most intelligent thing I’ve ever done in my life was the marriage to my Soph…I sit with them and admire them the whole day because I love them so.” Assassination at Sarajevo, 2009



28  In June, 1914, Sophie happily traveled with her husband to Sarajevo for a diplomatic visit. The Archduke and Duchess were part of a motorcade with a number of planned stops.  It was their 14 th year anniversary and they loved their life together.

29 While driving to City Hall, a would-be assassin from the group “The Black Hand” threw a grenade at her husband which missed, exploding underneath the car behind them. After the assassination attempt, Franz wanted to send Sophie out of town for her safety. She insisted on staying by his side and for the first time… rode in the carriage next to her royal husband.


31 There were7 assassins waiting for them along the route– Serb Nationalists led by leading figures who wanted the province of Bosnia and Herzegovina to become part of a Greater Serbian nation. The motorcade was to have visited a museum in Sarajevo, but Franz wanted to visit the wounded driver in the hospital. The route changed from the original plan.

32  When the car went down a wrong street, it had to be pushed backwards.  Gavrilo Princip was at a corner coffee shop when he noticed the car!  Princip, ran up to the car, raised the revolver he had been practicing with for the last few months and shot two bullets at point blank range.

33  The first bullet hit Franz in the neck and the second hit Sophie in the abdomen.  Franz died within minutes. It has been said his last words were to his "dearest Sophie", imploring her to live for the sake of their children.  Sophie died less than an hour later from internal bleeding.



36  The couple left behind three children, their eldest daughter Sophie, soon to be 14, Max, age 11 and younger son Ernst age 8.

37  The Austrian government sent 10 demands, including Serbia must try to wipe out terrorist organizations within its borders, suppress anti- Austrian propaganda and accept an independent investigation by the Austro-Hungarian government into Franz Ferdinand's assassination, or face military action.

38  Serbia refused 2 of Austria’s 10 demands.  Austria- Hungary declared war on Serbia on July 28, 1914


40 o July 28, 1914, Austria-Hungary declared war on Serbia Contact two major allies – Germany and Italy Germany accepted but Italy remains neutral o From this news, Russia swiftly mobilized their troops to protect and help Serbia o Germany, upset with this news, knew they are in trouble… o France is Russia’s ally Why is this so bad?


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