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Natural Resources Rodolfo Eric Angat. Essential Question How do we lessen our ecological footprint?

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Presentation on theme: "Natural Resources Rodolfo Eric Angat. Essential Question How do we lessen our ecological footprint?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Natural Resources Rodolfo Eric Angat

2 Essential Question How do we lessen our ecological footprint?

3 Instructions: 1. Prepare your R2. The title of the activity is “Natural Resources”. 2. Watch and listen attentively.

4 Definition of terms: 1. Bioremediation- use of organisms to manage pollution. 2. Bioengineering- genetically modified organisms 3. Finite-having bounds or limits; not unlimited. 4. Sustainability- meets the needs of the present generation without compromising the future generations to meet their own needs.

5 Insecticides - insects. Herbicides - plants. Rodenticides - rodents (rats and mice) Bactericides - bacteria. Fungicides - fungi. Larvicides - larvae. 5. Pesticides can be grouped according to the types of pests which they kill :

6 Instructions: 3. Copy and explain the importance of the following concepts. 1. Non-renewable resources are finite. 2. Attain sustainability of natural resources. 3. Bioremediation help sustain our planet naturally. 4. Bioengineering lessens the dependency on pesticides and herbicides.

7 1. Non-renewable resources are finite. 2. Attain sustainability of natural resources. 3. Bioremediation help sustain our planet naturally. 4. Bioengineering lessens the dependency on pesticides and herbicides.


9 Is it environment Friendly? Environment friendly ( Sustainable) Not environment friendly 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Copy the table in your notebook and identify 5 personal actions that are:

10 Non-renewable resources are finite. finite resource (non-renewable resource) A resource that is concentrated or formed at a rate very much slower than its rate of consumption and so, for all practical purposes, is non- renewable.

11 Attain sustainability of natural resources. Sustainable living is the practice of reducing your demand on natural resources by making sure that you replace what you use to the best of your ability. Sometimes that can mean not choosing to consume a product that is made using practices that don’t promote sustainability; and sometimes it means changing how you do things so that you start becoming more of an active part of the cycle of life.

12 Bio-remediation help sustain our planet naturally. Bioremediation is a waste management technique that involves the use of organisms to remove or neutralize pollutants from a contaminated site. According to the EPA, bioremediation is a “treatment that uses naturally occurring organisms to break down hazardous substances into less toxic or non toxic substances”.

13 Modern Agricultural biotechnology increases the speed and precision with which scientists can improve food traits and production practices. The application of biotechnology in agriculture has resulted in benefits to farmers, producers, and consumers. Biotechnology has helped to make both insect pest control and weed management safer and easier while safeguarding crops against disease. Bio-engineering lessens the dependency on pesticides and herbicides.

14 Poster Making Continue working quietly with your poster. Submission of your poster will be on Wednesday ( November 9, 2011 ). Please do not waste your time doing nothing to help yourself. This is now the second week. Please do not be left behind.

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