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Oct 1 Literacy Target: I can expand and connect text to self, community and world. Learning Target: ◦ I can understand the responses of non- immigrants.

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Presentation on theme: "Oct 1 Literacy Target: I can expand and connect text to self, community and world. Learning Target: ◦ I can understand the responses of non- immigrants."— Presentation transcript:

1 Oct 1 Literacy Target: I can expand and connect text to self, community and world. Learning Target: ◦ I can understand the responses of non- immigrants to immigration from 1880-1920. Opener: ◦ Predict how non-immigrants in the United States reacted to the wave of immigration from 1880-1920. (Write down your prediction in complete sentences.)

2 American Responses to Immigration Progressive Reform Nativism

3 What is Reform? To make changes to something to improve it

4 What is Nativism? Fear, mistrust and opposition to immigration and immigrants by the native- born inhabitants of a country or region

5 Nativism in the U.S. Know-Nothing Party ◦ 1845-1860 ◦ Opposed immigration, especially by Irish and German Catholics

6 Nativism in the U.S. American Protective Association ◦ 1887-1895 ◦ Anti-Catholic, focused on Italian immigrants

7 Nativism in the U.S. Immigration Restriction League ◦ 1894-1921 ◦ Opposed to all immigration, especially from Eastern Europe

8 Nativism in the U.S. West Coast labor unions ◦ Labor unions began to emerge around the country during the Gilded Age ◦ On the West Coast, many of these unions were strongly anti- Chinese

9 Effects of Nativism Riots and Massacres ◦ 1844: Anti-Irish riot in Philadelphia ◦ 1855: 22 Irish and German immigrants killed in Louisville, Kentucky ◦ 1871: 18 Chinese immigrants killed in Los Angeles ◦ 1887: 31 Chinese miners killed in Oregon

10 Effects of Nativism Anti-Immigration Laws ◦ Bennet Law of 1890: Prohibited teaching German language in schools in Wisconsin ◦ Chinese Exclusion Act of 1882: Suspended Chinese immigration ◦ Literacy tests: Passed by Congress but vetoed by presidents

11 Effects of Nativism Boycotts ◦ Business refused to hire immigrants ◦ People refused to buy goods from immigrants

12 Reasons for Nativism

13 AVMS- COPY this down Author ◦ Who were they? ◦ Not just their name but an explanation! Voice ◦ Emotion or point of view in the document Main Idea ◦ What are they trying to say? Why? Significance ◦ Why does their main idea matter?

14 Closure Do you think nativism is still around in the U.S.? Why or why not? Complete your self-evaluation

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