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Pass back tests Let’s see how you did Did you improve from last test? If so, why do you think you did? Did you do anything differently?

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Presentation on theme: "Pass back tests Let’s see how you did Did you improve from last test? If so, why do you think you did? Did you do anything differently?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Pass back tests Let’s see how you did Did you improve from last test? If so, why do you think you did? Did you do anything differently?



4 Glue your test into your Comp Book (CB) Glue your TOC into your CB Title of Unit: The American Revolution Glue your 3.1 worksheet and answers to questions into your CB Table of Contents List 3.1 worksheet /5 Answers to questions from worksheet /10 3.1 Notes /10 3.2 Notes /10 Declaration of Independence (copy glued in) /5 Declaration of Independence Close Reading vocabulary & questions /20 Declaration of Independence Matching Activity /15

5 Chapter 3.1 The Revolution Begins (pp. 78-81) Main Idea: The tensions between the colonists and Britain led to a revolution

6 First Continental Congress Meeting of delegates from the colonies 1774 Philadelphia Met to debate about what to do? Violence or peace? Wrote the Declaration of Rights Guiding Questions: Who? What? When? Where? Why?

7 First Continental Congress Who?What?Why?Where & When?What decisions were made? delegates from all colonies except Georgia A meeting of these delegates To determine what to do about the British. Should we seek peace or war? Philadelphia at Carpenter’s Hall 1774 The delegates compromised They decided to stop trade with Britain and prepared their militias for war They wrote a Declaration of Rights and sent it to King George III who refused to read it

8 “Shot Heard Around the World” Lexington, MA British tried to destroy colonial weapons warehouse Paul Revere, William Dawes, Samuel Prescott ??? 250 British dead, 100 minutemen dead Guiding Questions: Where? Why? Which 3 Sons of Liberty warned that the British were coming? Who won this battle?

9 Video – Sons of Liberty First 20 minutes

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