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 History: tells the story of humans from written records.  Pre-History: before written records. Accurate?  How old is man?  4.4 million years ago.

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Presentation on theme: " History: tells the story of humans from written records.  Pre-History: before written records. Accurate?  How old is man?  4.4 million years ago."— Presentation transcript:


2  History: tells the story of humans from written records.  Pre-History: before written records. Accurate?  How old is man?  4.4 million years ago “human-like” creatures discovered in Africa.  Hominids: creatures with human-like features.

3  Anthropology: the study of Hominids (features, development, behavior).  Paleontology: the study of fossil remains from various periods.  Archaeology: the study of the objects used by pre-historic people (Artifacts).

4  Why do we want to know how old an object is?  Two methods of Dating Artifacts:  Time Sequence: deep layers are older.  Radiocarbon Dating: matter decays at a certain rate.

5  1974 Hadar, Ethiopia  Almost complete skeleton, “LUCY” was discovered by Dr. Johanson.  3.2 million years old  1994 Aramis, Ethiopia  17 Hominids discovered  “Ardi” – 4 feet tall, 85-100 pounds ▪ 4.4 million years old


7  Ardi is a more primitive Hominid than the well- known skeleton, Lucy. Standing at 4 feet tall and weighing around 110 pounds.  Ardi is older but not as advanced as Lucy.  Ardipithecus  ch?v=b0ROl_Rw2g8 ch?v=b0ROl_Rw2g8

8  Homo Habilis: person with ability.  4.4 – 1.5 million years ago  Homo Erectus: person who walks upright.  1.5 million years ago – 200,000 years ago  Homo Sapiens: person who thinks.  200,000 – 30,000 years ago  Homo Sapien Sapiens: modern man.  30,000 – present  “Homo” = Human

9  Australopithecines: “southern ape” from east Africa  3.5-5 ft tall, small brain, nomads, small family groups, tools (sticks, stones), ate- fruits, nuts, leaves, fish, scavenged meat. (Scavenger) **Oldest form of Homo-Habilis.  Ice Age: 2 m.y.a. to 10,000 y.a., huge glaciers covered both poles, mid-latitudes most suited for life, ocean levels changed, land bridges, hominid migration, adapt to environment (clothing).  Human culture- “ways of life”, clothing, fire, tool making.

10  Homo Habilis: 4.4 – 1.5 m.y.a.  East Africa, simple stone tools, nomadic scavengers.  Homo Erectus: 1.5 – 200,000 y.a.  More advanced, gathered food, hunters, crude spears, FIRE, cooked, dug pits for shelter, animal skin clothing.  Migration out of Africa to Europe/Asia.  NOMADIC  Language: (500,000 y.a.) organized groups, pass culture to others.

11  Homo Habilis and Erectus: change occurs slowly over a longer period of time.  Homo Sapiens: Rapid change with more sophistication.  “wise human being”

12  Taller stature  Walked upright  Skull Changed  Flat forehead, larger skull volume, smaller jaw.  Bigger Brain  Higher intelligence/ability  Tool making, agriculture, problem solving

13  200,000 years ago in Neander Valley, Germany.  Migrated out of Africa to Europe.  5.5 ft tall, bigger brains, thick bones, muscular, and adapt to colder areas.  Nomadic hunter-gatherers.  Small clans (30-50).  Cared for sick, buried dead, believed in an after life.  Buried dead with food and weapons.

14  Modern Humans – 30,000 y.a. – present  Migrated to almost every continent.  Intermingled with Neanderthals.  Cro-Magnons absorbed Neanderthals over time.  Natural Selection: only the strong survive to pass on genetic material.

15  Early Homo Sapien Sapiens  Discovered in France.  Taller, less muscular, better technology, hunted/gathered (more efficient).  Thinner, sharper edges on tools (hammer, hoe, fish hooks, sewing needles), stone ax, built canoes  Bow and arrows and spears – larger animal kills  Social Life: cooperation, several clans needed to kill largest animals.  Need leadership and rules.  Status: Leaders buried with more stuff. Better food, weapons, etc.  Cave Paintings: purpose unclear – Educational? Religious? Magic ritual?








23  Altered the course of human history.  Began after the last ice age (8,000 – 4,000 B.C.)  Shift from gathering to cultivating. Agriculture!  Domestication of Animals: tamed for human purposes (dogs – hunting, goats – milk)  Agriculture:  Middle east (8,000 B.C.) Wheat  Asia (5,000 B.C.) Rice  America (3,000 B.C.) Maize (corn)

24  Nomadic lifestyle ends  Villages form  More Food = More People + TIME.  Technology  Plow/oxen  Fertilizer – fish, ash, manure  Loom – weaving  Wheel – transportation  Jewelry/weapons – copper, lead, gold  Complex Societies Form  Calendar – planting seasons  Warfare – competition over land and water  Religion – Gods and Goddesses (polytheism) worshipped in shrines.

25  Neolithic Revolution  Nomadic Life Ends  Crops Cultivated, Animals Domesticated  Population Increases  Civilizations Begin  Where?  RIVER VALLEYS  Why?  WATER!! Fertile Soil.  COMPLEX SOCIETIES FORM!!

26  A complex culture where a large number of people share common elements.  6 Characteristics  Cities  Government  Religion  Social Structure  Writing  Art

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