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The Emergence of Mass Society in the Western World 19.

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1 The Emergence of Mass Society in the Western World 19

2 The Industrial Regions of Europe at the End of the Nineteenth Century

3 The Growth of Industrial Prosperity  New Products and New Patterns  Substitution of steel for iron  Electricity  Internal combustion engine  Increased industrial production  Germany replaces Britain as industrial leader  Europe’s two economic zones  Toward a World Economy  Products from all over the world  Europe dominates  The Spread of Industrialization in Russian and Japan  Women and Work: New Job Opportunities

4 Organizing the Working Class  Karl Marx (1818-1883) and Friedrich Engels (1820-1895), The Communist Manifesto  History is that of class struggles  Overthrow the bourgeoisie  Eventually there would be a classless society  German Social Democratic Party (SPD), 1875  In the Reichstag worked to pass legislation to improve the conditions of the worker  4 million votes in 1912 elections in Germany  Second International  Revisionists  Reject revolutionary approach and believed in reform  Trade Unions  Right to strike in Britain gained in 1870s  4 million members by 1914 in Britain

5 ©2003 Wadsworth, a division of Thomson Learning, Inc. Thomson Learning ™ is a trademark used herein under license. Population Growth in Europe, 1820-1900

6 The Emergence of Mass Society  New Urban Environment  Growth of cities: by 1914, 80 percent of the population in Britain lived in cities (40 percent in 1800); 45 percent in France (25 percent in 1800); 60 percent in Germany (25 percent in 1800); and 30 percent in eastern Europe (10 percent in 1800) Migration from rural to urban  Improving living conditions Boards of health set up Clean water into the city Expulsion of sewage  Housing needs V.A. Huber British Housing Act, 1890, allowed town councils to construct cheap housing for workers

7 The Social Structure of Mass Society  The Elite  5 percent of the population that controlled 30 to 40 percent of wealth  Alliance of wealthy business elite and traditional aristocracy  The Middle Classes  Upper middle class, middle middle-class, lower middle-class  Professionals  White-collar workers  Middle class values in the Victorian period  The Lower classes  80 percent of the European population  Agriculture  Skilled, semi-skilled, unskilled workers

8 The Experiences of Women  Marriage and the Family  Difficulty for single women to earn a living Most women married  Birth control Female control of family size  Middle-class family Men provided income and women focused on household and child care Fostered the idea of togetherness Victorian ideas  Working-class families Daughters work until married 1890 to 1914 higher paying jobs made it possible to live on the husband’s wages Material consumption Margaret Sanger Founder of the 1 st birth control clinic

9 Movement for Women’s Rights  Fight to own property  Access to higher education by middle and upper-middle class women  Access to jobs dominated by men: teaching, nursing  Demand for equal political rights  Most vocal was the British movement  Emmeline Pankhurst (1858-1928), Women’s Social and Political Union, 1903  Suffragettes  Support of peace movements  The New Woman  Bertha von Suttner Emmeline Pankhurst

10 Education in an Age of Mass Society  In early 19th century reserved for elites or the wealthier middle class  Between 1870 and 1914 most Western governments began to offer at least primary education to both boys and girls between 6 and 12  State teacher training schools  Reasons: Needs of industrialization Need for an educated electorate To instill patriotism  Compulsory elementary education created a demand for teachers, most were women  “Natural role” of women

11 Leisure in an Age of Mass Society  Created by the industrial system  Transportation systems meant:  Working class could go to amusement parks, dance halls, beaches, and team sporting activities

12 The National State  Tradition and Change in Latin America  Exportation of foodstuffs to Europe and the United States  Importation of finished goods  Overall situation: Largely rural Former slaves and Indians on the bottom Growth in the middle sectors of society Looked to the United States  Working class expanded Growth of the working class led to industrialization Industrialization led to the growth of unions  Elites still had the political influence

13 Political Change in Latin America  Large landowners took a more direct interest in politics  Land owners might support dictators to ensure their interests  Porfirio Diaz, ruled Mexico from 1876 – 1910  Francisco Madero came to power  Demands for agrarian reform led by Emiliano Zapata  The United States becomes the power in the west. Franciso Madero Porfirio Diaz

14 Rise of the United States  Shift to an industrial nation, 1860-1914  By 1900 out produced Britain in steel  Urbanization  By 1900, the US was the world’s richest nation, but:  9 percent of population owned 71 percent of the wealth  Unsafe working conditions, work discipline, and cycles of high unemployment led to unions  The American Federation of Unions formed  Progressive Era  Reform  Theodore Roosevelt (1901-1909), Woodrow Wilson (1913-1921)  United States as a World Power  Annexation of Samoan Islands, Hawaiian Islands and from the Spanish-American War acquisition of Cuba, Puerto Rico, Guam, and the Philippines

15 Growth of Canada  Quebec, Ontario, Nova Scotia, New Brunswick – 1870  Manitoba, British Columbia – 1871  William Laurier, 1896 British Columbia Flag Quebec Flag

16 Battleship Maine in Havana Harbor, 1898

17 ©2003 Wadsworth, a division of Thomson Learning, Inc. Thomson Learning ™ is a trademark used herein under license. Canada, 1871

18 Western Europe: The Growth of Political Democracy  Britain  Two-party parliamentary system  By 1918 all males, over 21 could vote; women over 30  By 1900 the emergence of the Labour Party  Social Reforms that followed  National Insurance Act, 1911  France  Constitution of 1875; the Third Republic formed  Bicameral legislature, universal male suffrage, president, premier the leader of government  Coalition governments had to be formed to stay in power  Italy  Industrial north and poverty-stricken south  Turmoil of labor and industry

19 Central and Eastern Europe: Persistence of the Old Order  Germany  Lower house, Reichstag, elected by universal male suffrage  Ministers responsible to the emperor  Emperor commanded the armed forces and controlled foreign policy  Emperor William II, 1888-1918  Demands for democracy  Movement to block democracy  Austria-Hungary  Dual Monarchy  Emperor Francis Joseph, 1848-1916  German minority  Problems of ethnic groups

20 Russia  Assassination of Alexander II in 1881  Alexander III, 1881-1894, felt reform was a mistake  Nicholas II, 1894-1917, wanted to rule with absolute power  Growth in Marxist Social Democratic Party  Revolt in 1905  Defeat of Russians by Japanese in 1904-1905  Results of antigovernment rebellions

21 Europe in 1871

22 International Rivalries and the Winds of War  Bismarck made alliances to preserve the new German state  Bismarck removed by William II in 1890  Resulting alliance system  Triple Alliance – Germany, Austria, Italy  Triple Entente, 1907 – Britain, France, Russia  Crisis in the Balkans  By 1878, Greece, Serbia, and Romania were independent  Montenegro, Bosnia and Herzegovina under Austrian protectorate  Bulgaria under Russian protectorate  Austria annexes Bosnia and Herzegovina, 1908  Serbian protest, Russian support of Serbia  Balkan Wars of 1912 and 1913

23 ©2003 Wadsworth, a division of Thomson Learning, Inc. Thomson Learning ™ is a trademark used herein under license. The Balkans in 1878

24 The Balkans in 1913

25 Toward the Modern Consciousness: Intellectual and Cultural Developments  A New Physics  Westerners and the mechanical conception of the universe  Albert Einstein (1879-1955) Theory of relativity Energy of matter is equivalent to its mass times the square of the velocity of light  Sigmund Freud and the Emergence of Psychoanalysis  Sigmund Freud (1856-1939) Human behavior determined by the unconscious, past experience, and internal forces Repression begins in childhood

26 The Impact of Darwin: Social Darwinism and Racism  Darwin’s ideas applied to human society  Houston Stewart Chamberlain (1855-1927)  Modern-day Germans the only pure successors of the Aryans  Anti-Semitism  In nineteenth century many Jews left the ghetto and became assimilated into the cultures around them  Anti-Jewish parties  72 percent of world’s Jewish population lived in eastern Europe  Movement to the United States and Palestine  Theodor Herzl (1860-1904) Zionism

27 ©2003 Wadsworth, a division of Thomson Learning, Inc. Thomson Learning ™ is a trademark used herein under license. Palestine

28 Culture of Modernity  Symbolists  Poetry, influenced by the ideas of Freud  Views  Art  Impressionism  )Renoir and Monet  Post-Impressionsim  Vincent van Gogh (1853-1890)  Pablo Picasso (1881-1973)

29 Discussion Questions

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