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The Road to College 5 Year Plan The Road to College 5 Year Plan.

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1 The Road to College 5 Year Plan The Road to College 5 Year Plan

2 Once You’re Done with 8 th Grade.…. Moving on to high school. What do I need to graduate from high school? What classes do I take if I want to go to a California State University (e.g. Fresno State)? What classes do I take if I want to go to a UC school (e.g. UCLA)? What’s Next?


4 CUSD High School Graduation Requirements!!!  4 years English  4 years of Social Science: - World Geography/Health - World History - U.S. History - Govt./Economics  2 years Math: - Math 1 and Math 2

5 CUSD Requirements Cont… 2 years of Science: - 1 Physical Science and 1 Life Science 2 years of either Foreign Lang. OR Fine Art (or combination of both) 4 years of Physical Education (2 years of Core PE) Total of 230 credits!!!!!

6 What are the CSU or UC Requirements? 4 years College Prep English 3 years of Social Science: - World History - U.S. History - American Gov./Economics 3 years of Math/ 4 yrs recommended

7 CSU/UC requirements cont... 2 years of Science ( 3 years recommended ) -1 year Life Science/ 1 year Physical Science 2 years Foreign Language ( 3 years recommended) 1 year college prep Fine/Performing Art Must take SAT Reasoning or ACT 3.0 GPA (CSU) 3.3 minimum GPA (UC)

8 How Can I Prepare for the SAT or ACT? Start taking the PSAT and Aspire tests in 9 th grade. These tests are a great way to practice and become familiar with the rigor and format of the SAT/ACT taken during your Junior year.

9 5 Year Plan Form Fill in your Name, Date, ID, Counselor, and Graduation Class of 2020 Fill in your current 8 th grade classes

10 Fill in 9 th grade classes Summer School Impacted Schedule AND Meeting/Exceeding Standards on SBAC in ELA English 9 Honors 9 – Earn an A in AB class, Meeting/Exceeding Standards on SBAC assessment, and teacher recommendation.

11 Math Must have a high B to advance to the next level of math. Teachers will make recommendations Health/Geography (If not taken in summer) Meeting/Exceeding Standards in ELA Science Science 1 Biology Honors Bio- teacher rec. In Biology now- Chemistry in 9 th

12 PE Everyone takes Core PE in 9 th and 10 th grade Electives Foreign Language- 3.0 GPA and Meeting/Exceeding Standards on the SBAC assessment Fine Art (needed for CSU/UC) Forensics Peer Counseling, Yearbook, & Leadership, AVID (application required) Available on Jan. 5 th, and due on Jan. 29th!! Read 180/ Math Tutorial Study Skills (English Lab)

13 Health Careers Academy High school curriculum that provides a 4-year health careers pathway for students interested in the medical field. Health Careers applications will be available in the counseling center in January. See your counselor for more information. Freshmen courses include: Medical English 9 Medical Biology Medical Chemistry February 2 nd - Medical Career Conference Sign up deadline is January 15th **Registration form is posted on AB website**

14 Teaching Pathway Pathway of courses 9-12 for students interested in education or a profession that works with children/adolescents (coach, teacher, day care, administrator, etc.) 9 th grade course- Education English 9 Students in the class will have opportunities to participate in a summer writing workshop and leadership Boot Camp at Fresno State Sign up for the pathway online at

15 (Advancement Via Individual Determination) AVID is a college readiness program offered to hard working students who would like to prepare for four-year universities. The curriculum features writing, inquiry, collaboration, reading, note-taking and study skills, as well as college, career, and motivational activities. Students must commit to taking notes in subject-area classes on a daily basis. Other requirements for applicants are satisfactory citizenship, good attendance, and G.P.A. of 2.5-3.8.

16 Registration Dates 8 th Grade Parent Night on Feb. 18th Distribution of registration forms: Feb. 18 th Registration: Feb 25 th / 26th Parent must review and sign registration form

17 Career Cruising Resources Electronic college and career planning system.  College and career exploration tool  Compare colleges  Career assessment  Scholarship Search  Resume Builder

18 Things to remember… SBAC scores are VERY important!!! Testing scores may be used as a prerequisite for many high school courses. Keep your grades up! Go to labs if you need help! Getting involved in co-curricular activities and community service are important as you prepare for college. Plan your future using Career Cruising resources.

19 The road to college starts here.

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