Finchley Catholic High School A Business & Enterprise College Year 11 Parent Information Evening Thursday 11 th February 2016 Meeting the challenge of.

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Presentation on theme: "Finchley Catholic High School A Business & Enterprise College Year 11 Parent Information Evening Thursday 11 th February 2016 Meeting the challenge of."— Presentation transcript:

1 Finchley Catholic High School A Business & Enterprise College Year 11 Parent Information Evening Thursday 11 th February 2016 Meeting the challenge of preparing for GCSEs

2 Finchley Catholic High School A Business & Enterprise College Lord, we know you are with our young men and love them. Give them peace of mind as they prepare for this time of study. Help them to focus on their books and notes, keeping them from distractions so that they will make the best use of the time that is available to them. Give them insight so that they understand what they are studying, and help them to remember it when the time comes. Above all, we thank you for their abilities and for the many gifts and talents you have given them. Help them always to use them in such a way that they honour you and do justice to themselves. Amen

3 Finchley Catholic High School A Business & Enterprise College Finchley Catholic High School A Business & Enterprise College Programme Welcome (Julie Durham) Student Perspective (Lewis Pangratiou) Revision Tips and Resources (Jenny McCall) In-house Revision Programme (Katie Marson) How you can support your son (Hazel Morton) Looking Forward (Seamus McKenna)

4 Finchley Catholic High School A Business & Enterprise College Student Perspective Year 12 Lewis Pangratiou

5 Finchley Catholic High School A Business & Enterprise College Revision Tips Jenny McCall

6 Finchley Catholic High School A Business & Enterprise College

7 Finchley Catholic High School A Business & Enterprise College We want you to celebrate success in August The key to success will be EFFECTIVE, ORGANISED and THOROUGH revision. Practice really does make perfect.

8 Finchley Catholic High School A Business & Enterprise College Finchley Catholic High School A Business & Enterprise College How should I structure my revision? When to start How to put your timetable together Timings

9 Finchley Catholic High School A Business & Enterprise College Finchley Catholic High School A Business & Enterprise College What are the best ways to revise? Set a clear aim for each revision session ‘Do-able chunks’ Don’t just read –be active

10 Finchley Catholic High School A Business & Enterprise College Finchley Catholic High School A Business & Enterprise College

11 Finchley Catholic High School A Business & Enterprise College Finchley Catholic High School A Business & Enterprise College

12 Finchley Catholic High School A Business & Enterprise College Writing to Argue and Persuade Devices writers use: Rhetorical questions Emotive language Statistics Rule of 3

13 Finchley Catholic High School A Business & Enterprise College Condense notes into revision cards hhh

14 Finchley Catholic High School A Business & Enterprise College Complete past exam papers and questions under timed conditions

15 Finchley Catholic High School A Business & Enterprise College Record your notes onto an MP3 player

16 Finchley Catholic High School A Business & Enterprise College Boost your memory! Use mnemonics, rhymes

17 Finchley Catholic High School A Business & Enterprise College Finchley Catholic High School A Business & Enterprise College A few more revision tips… Start NOW and note any points you don’t understand and ask your teachers. Tick off topics as you cover them Be honest with yourself about how much you have learned Take regular breaks and exercise Build in rewards Have early nights!

18 Finchley Catholic High School A Business & Enterprise College Finchley Catholic High School A Business & Enterprise College What are the best resources for GCSE revision? Websites e.g. BBC Bitesize; Get Revising Revision books e.g. CGP Past papers Textbook/exercise book VLE Teachers Parents/siblings

19 Finchley Catholic High School A Business & Enterprise College In-House Revision Programme Katie Marson

20 Finchley Catholic High School A Business & Enterprise College In House Revision Programme Runs from Monday 16th May – Monday 20th June (last exam: Mon 22 th June) Each subject area is allocated revision slots Session 1: 8.50 a.m. – 10.40 a.m. Session 2: 10.50 p.m. – 12.40 p.m. Session 3: 1.00 p.m. – 2.50 p.m. Booking forms will be distributed on Friday 11 th March.Booking forms Students should make sure they only opt for sessions where they have no examination scheduled

21 Finchley Catholic High School A Business & Enterprise College

22 Finchley Catholic High School A Business & Enterprise College Finchley Catholic High School A Business & Enterprise College In House Revision Programme Students can tick as many sessions as they like but they should rank their top 5 slots by writing 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 instead of tickingtop 5 slots All efforts will be made to give students as many of the sessions they have opted for as possible A £20 deposit will be paid, returnable when students attend all sessions allocated Deadline for return of booking forms is Monday 14th March by the end of tutorial. They must be given directly to Mrs Marson only. No booking forms will be accepted after this date Students will receive a personalised schedule of their revision sessions after the Easter holidaysschedule

23 Finchley Catholic High School A Business & Enterprise College Finchley Catholic High School A Business & Enterprise College In House Revision Programme Students will need to get their form signed for each session by the teacher running the session Students cannot attend sessions that are not on their timetable but should attend all sessions that they are. Students should NOT treat these sessions as an alternative to independent revision A high standard of discipline and application will be expected Those students who have attended all of the sessions they have been allocated can claim their £20 back on Clearing Day. They will forfeit £5 for each session not attended.

24 Finchley Catholic High School A Business & Enterprise College How You Can Support Your Son Ms Morton

25 Finchley Catholic High School A Business & Enterprise College Finchley Catholic High School A Business & Enterprise College What you can do to help... a quiet work space

26 Finchley Catholic High School A Business & Enterprise College What you can do to help... supply resources and prompt your son to use them to support his learning

27 Finchley Catholic High School A Business & Enterprise College What you can do to help... Buy revision guides and test regularly

28 Finchley Catholic High School A Business & Enterprise College What you can do to help...

29 Finchley Catholic High School A Business & Enterprise College Finchley Catholic High School A Business & Enterprise College What you can do to help...

30 Finchley Catholic High School A Business & Enterprise College Finchley Catholic High School A Business & Enterprise College Encourage your son to get enough sleep Encourage healthy eating Encourage exercise What you can do to help...

31 Finchley Catholic High School A Business & Enterprise College And most of all... talk and listen

32 Finchley Catholic High School A Business & Enterprise College

33 Finchley Catholic High School A Business & Enterprise College Finchley Catholic High School A Business & Enterprise College MINIMISING STRESS Support your son in sticking to their revision plan Keep a note of exam dates – have your own copy of their exam timetable Add perspective to their life. Encourage them to have fun as well as revising. Listen to any concerns etc Offer support Lighten the pressure DON’T PANIC! This will only transfer to your child and make them less effective in their revision and the exams.

34 Finchley Catholic High School A Business & Enterprise College Finchley Catholic High School A Business & Enterprise College BE READY ON THE DAY Date AND time of each exam – morning or afternoon? Allow time for him to eat breakfast Arrive at school in plenty of time, making allowances for delays Organise in advance all equipment he needs/is allowed Water

35 Finchley Catholic High School A Business & Enterprise College Nothing is particularly hard if you divide it into small jobs

36 Finchley Catholic High School A Business & Enterprise College Looking Forward Seamus McKenna

37 Finchley Catholic High School A Business & Enterprise College Finchley Catholic High School A Business & Enterprise College Looking Forward…… - Clearing Day – Tuesday 28 th June (2-4pm) - Sixth Form Induction – Thursday 30 th June and Friday 1 st July - Bridging courses – Friday 1st July until Friday 8 th July - Results Day - Thursday 25 th August - Enrolment – Friday 26 th August

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