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Many of the experts on happiness say that being happy is a choice; that it is a decision you make every morning, that today ‘I am going to be happy’.

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Presentation on theme: "Many of the experts on happiness say that being happy is a choice; that it is a decision you make every morning, that today ‘I am going to be happy’."— Presentation transcript:


2 Many of the experts on happiness say that being happy is a choice; that it is a decision you make every morning, that today ‘I am going to be happy’. But how is it some people manage to have that inner contentment and others struggle to put a smile on their face? Here are seven keys which can help you experience more joy and happiness in your life.

3 Treat yourself the way you would treat the most important person in your life. To be happy you need to learn to appreciate, be kind and loving to yourself. If you make a mistake, forgive yourself. Think of challenges and mistakes as learning experiences and move on. When you experience success, celebrate it.

4 Make a commitment to be happy. Recognize that you can choose to be happy and regularly affirm to yourself that happiness is your right. Spend some time discovering what makes you happy and then make these things a priority.

5 Being open minded can expose you to wonderful new opportunities and give you a unique perspective on life. You can find creative solutions to many stressful situations and maintain a state of internal happiness if you have the flexibility to consider new things and embrace change.

6 It is much easier to feel happy when you have great health and vitality than when you are feeling ill. It is important to pay attention to your body and treat it with respect. If you are feeling very tired, give yourself time out. If you are stressed, relax and meditate. Make sure that you have a good diet and an exercise program that you enjoy. Spending time in nature is another great way to relax and revive.

7 Learn to laugh at yourself and find humor in testing situations. Life is full of challenges and if you take them too seriously it is easy to become frustrated and depressed. It is important to develop a sense of humor and to see the quirkiness of life.

8 How do you know that a person is happy? The obvious signs are when they are smiling or laughing. Someone who laughs a lot simply keeps the channels to joy open.

9 Being happy is like having a lucky charm, which attracts people to us, helps us handle challenges and embrace opportunities. Happy people appreciate what they have, get more done quickly, live longer, have better health, attract great relationships and enjoy their lives more.

10 The PowerPoint you have just seen is based on a survey that Inna Segal accomplished over a period of time. Inna Segal is the creator of Visionary Intuitive Healing and the best selling author of The Secret Language of Your Body. With regards to the survey Inna had this to say: “I have asked thousands of people what makes them happy or unhappy and have discovered certain repeating themes: People feel happy when they have a fulfilling relationship, a career they love, great health and energy and variety of interests.” “Often those people have a positive attitude to life and they see challenges as opportunities to learn and grow.”

11 All the pictures inserted in my slides are the work of Ben Goossens a fantastic photographer from Belgium. Photographer Biography: Ben lives in Willebroek, Belgium. In Art School, photography was one of the subjects he studied. He worked for 35 years as an Art Director in advertising. His main hobby and passion is creating experimental/surrealistic photomontages. Maybe certain images are not accepted by everybody, but these last few years they were used in various magazines and books all over the world. Goossens' images have received awards in a number of prestigious international photography competitions including Gold and Silver medals at the Trierenberg Super Circuit, the world's largest annual photography salon.

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