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The Rise of Islam. How does Islam compare and contrast with the other religions introduced? How does Islamic civilization compare and contrast with the.

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Presentation on theme: "The Rise of Islam. How does Islam compare and contrast with the other religions introduced? How does Islamic civilization compare and contrast with the."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Rise of Islam

2 How does Islam compare and contrast with the other religions introduced? How does Islamic civilization compare and contrast with the others in the course?

3 Islam The Arabian Peninsula –Desert –Home of the Arabs No centralized authority Pastoral nomads Loyal to tribes

4 Islam Religion in Arabia before Islam –Polytheistic –Jinn –Monotheism Al-Uzza, Al-Lat, Manat

5 Islam

6 Mecca –Commercial center –Ka’ba: then a pagan shrine –Controlled by Quraysh Ka’ba

7 Islam Muhammad (570-632) –Involved in Meccan caravan trade –Pious –Night of Power (ca. 610)  Prophet of Islam Muhammad visited by Gabriel

8 Islam Muslim Era Begins –Gained some converts –Overall response: negative  danger! –Prophet invited to Medina –The Hijra (622): Muhammad, ummah emigrated

9 Islam In Medina –Muhammad became statesman –City converted –Unbelieving Jews expelled –Raids on Meccan caravans launched Muhammad addressing believers in Medina

10 Islam The Return to Mecca (630) –Muslims marched on Mecca –City surrendered –Muhammad cleansed Ka’ba March on Mecca

11 Islam Questions?

12 Islam The Quran –Muhammad’s revelations –Significant teachings Absolute monotheism Jesus: “apostle” “People of the Book” Judgment  Paradise, Hell

13 Islam The Five Pillars –Shahadah “There is no God but Allah and Muhammad is His Prophet” –Salat (prayer) –Ramadan –Zakat (alms levy) –Hajj (pilgrimage)

14 Islam Talbiyah –“Labbayk, Allahumma Labbayk. Labbayk. La shareeka laka. Labbayk. Innal-hamda wan-n'imata laka wal-mulk. La shareeka lak.” –"Here I am at Thy service O Lord, here I am. Here I am at Thy service and Thou hast no partners. Thine alone is All Praise and All Bounty, and Thine alone is The Sovereignty. Thou hast no partners."

15 Islam Hajj ritual of stoning Satan, at Mina

16 Islam Questions?

17 Islam Islamic Conquests (622-733)

18 Islam The Caliphate –Muhammad died 632 –CALIPHS Prophet’s successors First were early converts, from his inner circle (Rashidun) Office: political, religious

19 Islam

20 Division within the Ummah –The fate of Ali (r. 656-661) Muhammad’s cousin, husband of Fatima Dedicated Muslim Muhammad intended him to be successor? Civil war between Ali and Mu’awiyah  Ali’s assassination –Aftermath: Sunni vs. Shi’ah

21 Islam

22 Ruling the Caliphate: Shari’ah –Sacred law of ummah –Purpose: regulate all activities –Sources: Quran, Sunnah, community consensus –Qadis: shari’ah judges Individuals before a qadi

23 Islam Ruling the Empire: Status of Non-Muslims –Dhimmis: followers of religions tolerated by law; not forced to convert –Monotheist leaders relied on to manage their communities’ affairs –Faced discrimination (jizyah, etc.)

24 Islam Questions?

25 Islam The Great Civilization –Sophisticated, advanced –Access to classical learning –Books, libraries –Contributed to science and math

26 Islam Quran page with beginning of surah 18 (9 th, early 10 th cent.)

27 Islam Dome of the Rock (687-692) –Tribute to Islam’s triumph in Jerusalem –Erected on sacred site –Domed octagon

28 Islam Dome of the Rock, interior

29 Islam The Minaret –Towers for muzzein –Malwiya minaret (848-852) At Great Mosque of Samarra, Iraq Spiral ramp

30 Islam Questions?

31 The Rise of Islam How does Islam compare and contrast with the other religions introduced? How does Islamic civilization compare and contrast with the others in the course?

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