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The Health Crisis in Developing + Developed Countries.

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1 The Health Crisis in Developing + Developed Countries



4  A pandemic is an epidemic (usually a disease) that occurs over a great area of land - worldwide.  The virus that we know as HIV/AIDS is a pandemic.


6  HIV/AIDS is thought to have spread from chimpanzees to humans in west equatorial Africa in the 1930’s.  Test were being developed for a polio vaccine and blood from chimps - who were unknowingly diseased with a strain of HIV/AIDS – was taken to created the vaccine.

7  Some assert that the African people became test subjects and the infected vaccine entered the human population.  Others state that infected chimp meat was eaten and the disease spread that way into the human population.

8  In the 1980s, HIV/AIDS was detected in the LGBTQ community attacking mostly gay men = but not a disease the discriminates; it affects everyone.


10  The Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) is the virus that causes Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome (AIDS).  HIV attacks the immune system, resulting in a chronic, progressive illness and leaving infected people vulnerable to opportunistic infections and cancers.

11  The median time from infection to AIDS diagnosis now exceeds 10+ years with anti- viral drugs.  AIDS is fatal.  There is no known cure.


13  HIV is spread through contact with the certain body fluids from a person infected with HIV:  Blood  Semen  Pre-seminal fluids  Rectal fluids  Vaginal fluids

14  Unprotected sexual intercourse (vaginal, anal, oral).  Shared needles or equipment for legal or illegal injecting drugs.  Unsterilized needles for tattooing, skin piercing, or acupuncture.

15  Pregnancy, delivery, and breast feeding (from an HIV-infected mother to her infant)  Occupational exposure in health care/first responder settings.  Transmission through blood (i.e. blood transfusions).


17  Casual everyday contact  Shaking hands, hugging, kissing  Coughing, sneezing  Giving blood  Swimming pools, toilet seats, baths/showers  Sharing eating utensils, water fountains  Mosquitoes, other insects, or animals


19  Anybody can get HIV, but you can take steps to protect yourself from HIV infection:  Get tested and know your partner’s HIV status.  Have less risky sex.  Use condoms.  Limit your number of sexual partners.  Talk to your health care provider about HIV prevention.  Refrain from injecting drugs.


21  Even with the most expensive and effective treatments/anti-viral drugs, death is a certainty.  34+ million people in the world are affected.

22  16,000 people every day become infected world wide.  7, 000 die of Aids each day = 2 million per year.  Of the 14 million who have died of AIDS, 11 million have been Africans.


24  Sub-Saharan Africa has the most serious HIV and AIDS epidemic in the world.

25  Number of new infections in Sub-Saharan Africa: ▪ Estimated at 1.6+ million for 2012. ▪ About 70 per cent of the world total. ▪ 1.2+ million AIDS-related deaths.

26  Number of children living with HIV in 2013: ▪ 3.2+ million. ▪ 91 per cent of whom live in sub-Saharan Africa.

27  Number of children living with HIV as orphans in Sub-Saharan Africa (2012): ▪ There are more than 34 million orphans in the region today and some 11 million of them are orphaned by AIDS. ▪ 8 out of every 10 children in the world whose parents have died of AIDS live in sub- Saharan Africa.

28 ▪ During the last decade, the proportion of children who are orphaned as a result of AIDS rose from 3.5% to 32% and will continue to increase exponentially as the disease spreads unchecked.

29 ▪ As a result, the disease is in effect making orphans of a whole generation of children, jeopardizing their health, their rights, their well-being and sometimes their very survival, not to mention the overall development prospects of their countries.

30  Throughout the developing nations, AIDS has exploded mainly because of: ▪ The problems associated with EDUCATING people about prevention.

31  Get educated + ask questions.  Abstain from sex or delay first sex.  Have one partner or have fewer partners.  Use male condoms or female condoms consistently and correctly.  Use a needle exchange/clean needles of injecting drugs + do not share needles.  Take anti-viral drugs during pregnancy + have a Caesarean section.

32  Condoms in the Congo (4:17 mins)  elling_condoms_in_the_congo.html elling_condoms_in_the_congo.html  HIV is a serious problem in the DR Congo, and aid agencies have flooded the country with free and cheap condoms. But few people are using them. Why? “Reformed marketer” Amy Lockwood offers a surprising answer that upends a traditional model of philanthropy.


34  The following countries have been experiencing an increase in the cases of HIV/AIDS: ▪ China ▪ India ▪ Eastern European Countries (i.e. Russia + Ukraine)


36  There are 1.4 million people living with HIV/AIDS in North America (2011).  21,000 people die from AIDS related deaths.  Number of new infections in North America: ▪ Estimated at 51,000 in 2011.

37  International support is required.  Canada has been one of the leaders in the establishment of the Joint UN Programme on HIV/AIDS.  HIV/AIDS drugs have dropped over 75% in price, yet remain too costly for many people in developing countries.

38 People in developed world should be worried about health conditions in developing world because: We are a global village. Everyone deserves a good life. Diseases can spread and affect developed countries.




42  An estimated 71,300+ people have HIV/AIDS (2012).  Every three hours, someone in the country becomes infected with HIV.  Over 25% of infected people don't know they have HIV.


44  Women now account for about one-forth of people with HIV/AIDS (2011).  16,600 living with HIV/AIDS.  23% of all people living with HIV/AIDS were female.  However, males are three times more likely to get HIV/AIDS than females.

45  The HIV-positive population continues to increase in Canada, with the greatest increases amongst Aboriginals in Canada.  It is estimated that in 2011, Aboriginal people made up 12.2% of new HIV infections and 8.9% of those living with HIV/AIDS in Canada.

46  HIV/AIDS has a significant impact on Aboriginal females.  Between 1998 and 2012, nearly half (47.3%) of all positive HIV test reports among Aboriginal people were females, compared with 20.1% of reports for people of other ethnicities.

47  Age at the time of HIV diagnosis for Aboriginal people tends to be younger than for people of other ethnicities.  Almost one-third (31.6%) of the positive HIV test reports from 1998 to 2012 among Aboriginal people were youth aged 15 to 29 years old, compared with 22.2% among those of other ethnicities.


49  HIV risk among Aboriginal people is closely linked to a variety of determinants of health that influence vulnerability to infection, including poverty, unstable housing and homelessness, mental health and addictions, traumatic childhood experiences, racism and the multi-generational effects of colonialism and the residential school system.



52  AIDS-related stigma and discrimination refers to prejudice, negative attitudes, abuse and maltreatment directed at people living with HIV and AIDS worldwide.

53  The consequences of stigma and discrimination are wide-ranging: being shunned by family, peers and the wider community, poor treatment in healthcare and education settings, an erosion of rights, psychological damage, and a negative effect on the success of HIV testing and treatment.

54  The stigma of HIV - four places, four people (4:42 mins)  From India to Kenya, and Tajikistan to Bolivia - the daily difficulties that face people with HIV are often the same no matter what country they live in, and no matter how many thousands of miles they are apart.   (info only)

55  A Great Film:  A Closer Walk

56  (RED):  HIV Equal:  It’s Different Now and Change HIVstory: A Social Marketing Campaign: now now  World Aids Campaign:



59 1. Why does HIV/AIDS continue to spread around the world? 2. How can we stop HIV from spreading? 3. What countries are most affected by HIV/AIDS? Why? 4. Why is there a stigma around HIV/AIDS? How can we stop the stigma?

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