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Oil By: James Mitchell ms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwjvhZ3A_7PMAhVBWx4KHUX_DjcQ_AUIBigB#

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Presentation on theme: "Oil By: James Mitchell ms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwjvhZ3A_7PMAhVBWx4KHUX_DjcQ_AUIBigB#"— Presentation transcript:

1 Oil By: James Mitchell ms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwjvhZ3A_7PMAhVBWx4KHUX_DjcQ_AUIBigB# tbm=isch&q=oil&imgrc=4LLTDZHM7GdPFM%3A ms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwjvhZ3A_7PMAhVBWx4KHUX_DjcQ_AUIBigB #tbm=isch&q=oil+barrels&imgrc=xjVQnI218szo0M%3A

2 What is Oil. ★ Oil is a strong liquid or fuel gathered by petroleum, used for fuel or lubricant. ★ Oil provides modern convenience and freedom of movement. ★ Oil is the one of the world’s most needed fuels. ★ Oil has been produced since the 1850’s. ms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwjvhZ3A_7PMAhVBWx4KHUX_DjcQ_AUIBig B#tbm=isch&q=what+is+oil&imgrc=8RhH9X5E9VI8-M%3A

3 About Oil. ➢ Oil is measured in barrels that are 42 gallons. ➢ Petroleum chemicals are found in Oil. ➢ We burn petroleum items to produce energy. ➢ The U.S. has the 10th biggest Oil reserve in the world. ➢ In the last 25 years about 2 dozen oil spills have occurred.

4 What Oil is used for. ● Oil produces transport fuels such as gas, diesel, and jet fuel. ● Oil is also used as a heating source such as kerosene. ● Oil is needed in the making of plastics, and chemicals, and also many lubricants, waxes, tars, and asphalts. ● Most pesticides and fertilizers are produced by oil or other oil byproducts. 99&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwjdzaroxLvMAhWIFj4KHX4UB wQQ_AUIBygC#tbm=isch&q=car+oil+in+store&imgrc=mOfp_nJMnyOddM%3A

5 How oil is formed. Oil is an important fossil fuel produced by the decaying force of algae and several other organisms. Oil began as small organisms in the shallow seas. All the leftover organisms stacked up after millions decades. The leftover organisms came together and created a rock named oil “shale” after “millions of decades.” =isch&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwjdzaroxLvMAhWIFj4KHX4UBwQQ_AUIBygC#tbm=isch&q=how+oil+is+for med&imgrc=3cPeorx86T5XIM%3A

6 Where oil is found. ➔ Saudi Arabia. ➔ Russia. ➔ The United States. ➔ Iran. ➔ Australia. ➔ Brazil. ➔ Canada. ➔ Morocco. ➔ Jordan. ➔ China ➔ Estonia. Ch =1280&bih=899&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwjdzaroxL vMAhWIFj4KHX4UBwQQ_AUIBygC#tbm=isch&q=top+oil+barrel+prod uction+countriesina.

7 Nonrenewable Oil. ★ All fossil fuels are Nonrenewable. ★ Oil is a fossil fuel so it is Nonrenewable. ★ Nonrenewable energy sources come out of the ground as Liquids, gas, and solids. =X&ved=0ahUKEwjvhZ3A_7PMAhVBWx4KHUX_DjcQ_AUIBigB#imgrc=MJ14SK1lIIjEOM%3A

8 Impacts of Oil. ❖ Oil spills can affect animals and plants. ❖ Oil spills can harm living organisms because oil’s chemicals are poisonous. ❖ Oil clean ups can also harm animals and plants. ❖ Oil can affect some species of fish. ❖ Oil can affect living thing by Internal exposure, external exposure, and inhalation.

9 Advantages Of Oil. Advantages: ● High Energy Density. ● Easy Availability. ● Crucial for wide variety of Industries. ● Easy to produce and refine. ● Constant Power source and Reliability.

10 Disadvantages of Oil. Disadvantages: ● Greenhouse Gas Emissions. ● Pollution of Water and Earth. ● Growth in Terrorism and Violence. ● Emissions of Harmful Substances. ● Lead to production of very harmful and toxic materials in refining.

11 Sources. animals-and-plants.html animals-and-plants.html. oil-cons-disregarded-by-powerful-lobbies/ oil-cons-disregarded-by-powerful-lobbies/.

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