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Failure of Peace Settlement Treaty of Versailles - caused anger amongst certain nations (Germany)

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Presentation on theme: "Failure of Peace Settlement Treaty of Versailles - caused anger amongst certain nations (Germany)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Failure of Peace Settlement Treaty of Versailles - caused anger amongst certain nations (Germany)

2 Effects on Germany Left Germany hopeless and resentful Hitler used this to gain popularity - blamed Germany's problems on Jews and other groups -Used propaganda to win people over - Claims Germany’s lands were stolen -Begins massive military build up

3 Nazi Propaganda

4 The Path To War and the West’s response

5 Japan’s Response Increase their empire - aggressive build up of military - Invade Manchuria 1931

6 1. Japan demonstrates its territorial ambitions by expanding into Manchuria and setting up a puppet ruler Response: League orders Japan to give Manchuria back to China, but they refuse and Japan withdraws from the League.

7 2. Italian forces invade Ethiopia Response: League condemns the aggressive action and imposes economic sanctions against Italy.

8 3. Spanish Civil War provides an opportunity for Hitler to test his war machine. Response: The West (Fr., G.B., U.S., etc…) fears another WW1 and does not get involved nor do they take action against Germany’s and Italy’s involvement.

9 4. Hitler occupies the Rhineland Response: The West does nothing b/c they don’t want war.

10 5. Hitler and Mussolini sign the Rome-Berlin Axis Response: Stalin wants “the west” to join him and stand against them, but they fear war and distrust Stalin, so they refuse.

11 6. Germany annexes Austria Response: the Austrian leader pleads with the west for help but they (U.S. and Britain) don’t want to get involved.

12 6.5 Hitler enters the Sudetenland (Czech.) and annexes it. Response: Chamberlain (G.B.) signs an agreement w/ Hitler, giving him this land, but a promise of “no more”. (appeasement)


14 Axis Powers

15 The Rise of Totalitarianism A dictator is a ruler with unrestricted power who has no democratic restrictions. A totalitarian philosophy is one that puts the state above all else Thus a Totalitarian State is a dictatorship where the government uses violence, intimidation, and a police force to control all aspects of life

16 Fascist Placed the interests of the nation above the individual -Extreme nationalism Power must rest with a single strong leader Leader has a vision with what is best for the nation Examples: Mussolini (Italy), Hitler (Germany)

17 Militarism desire of a government that a country should maintain a strong military and be prepared to use it aggressively to defend or promote national interests Examples: Japan/Germany

18 8. German transports attack Denmark and the Low Countries Response: British & French send forces into Belgium but are overrun and they have to evacuate. (Dunkirk)


20 9. Churchill delivers his first speech as prime minister to the House of Commons. Response: Br. people prepare for all out war.

21 10. Germans begin blitz of London Response: Br. hold strong and hold back the air raids. The RAF wins many air battles.

22 12. The Japanese government announces plans for “a new order in greater East Asia”. Response: America bans sale of scrap iron to Japan and place other embargoes. Japanese attack Pearl Harbor, then U.S. enters the war.

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