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Friday 12/3/10 Warm-up: Was the election of Louis-Napoleon a victory for the radicals? Explain your opinion. -Monday 12/6: Quiz on Nationalism NOTES!!!

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Presentation on theme: "Friday 12/3/10 Warm-up: Was the election of Louis-Napoleon a victory for the radicals? Explain your opinion. -Monday 12/6: Quiz on Nationalism NOTES!!!"— Presentation transcript:

1 Friday 12/3/10 Warm-up: Was the election of Louis-Napoleon a victory for the radicals? Explain your opinion. -Monday 12/6: Quiz on Nationalism NOTES!!! So pay attention! Notes will be posted online!

2 Nationalist Challenge Power Congress of Vienna’s “balance of power” failing Liberals and Nationalists riot and revolt across Europe

3 1830’s Uprisings Revolt against Russians in Warsaw 1830 Russian armies suppressed revolts in 1 year Poles Revolt against Dutch rule 1830 Belgians declared independence from Dutch Belgians Nationalist tried to unit Italian peninsula Metternich sent Austrian troops Italy

4 1848-1849 Revolutions SEE MAP on pg. 679 Geo Questions!!!! Ethnic uprisings erupt throughout Europe Vienna mob clashes w/ police-Metternich resigns- Austrian Empire goes haywire! Eastern Europe erupts again! ◦ Hungary, Prague, Czech Power see-saws ◦ One after another, revolutions fail from disorganization ◦ Conservatives get power by 1849!!!! Nothing changed !

5 FRANCE!!!!!! 1848-1849 FRANCE!!!!!! 1848-1849 Radicals wanted DEMOCRACY! 1830’s King Charles tried absolute monarchy- FAILED-ran away to Great Britain Enters Louis-Philippe (liberal) 1848-LP not popular anymore Paris mob overturns monarchy & makes a republic-republic FAILS!!! No one can agree- bloody riot so… No one likes the Radicals now b/c of violence so…. Moderate constitution is born 1848 with NEW parliament and elect NEW president ! YEHHH!!

6 FRANCE….Not done yet! 1848-enters-Louis-Napoleon (N.B. nephew) ◦ 4 yrs. Later had to change his name to Emperor Napoleon III!!!! ◦ French people wanted peace so they were cool with it ◦ L.N. III wasn’t so bad….built RRs, IR, public works projects! ◦ Good policies-increased employment and France was happy again!

7 But what about RUSSIA??? Russia was still in the dark ages…literally…the Feudal system! (not industrialized) 1820s Russia started to feel bad (except tsars) about serfs…morally wrong  and prevented economic growth… STOP…Discussion question….Why did the feudal system stunt economic growth?????? Why would the tsars not want to? For next 30 yrs. Russia thinks about what to do……

8 What did the Russians do? In1853, to go to war…Czar Nicholas I wanted to expand empire…threatens Ottoman Turk Empire-Crimean War Lack of industry….causes LOSS! Nicholas’ son…Alexander II…moves Russia out of old age and modernizes

9 Alexander’s Reforms 1861 free serfs …but…still tied to land that was split up and “given” (49 yrs. To pay debt) to peasant communities Alexander II ASSASSINATED! 1881 Alexander III ◦ Nationalistic competition led drive for industrialization

10 Types of Nationalistic Movements Unification Merges politically divided but culturally similar lands Examples? Separation Culturally distinct group resists being added to a state or tries to break away Examples? State-building Culturally distinct groups form into a new state by accepting a single culture Examples?

11 AUSTRIA Empire made of- ◦ Slovenes, Hungarians, Germans, Czechs, Slovaks, Croats, Serbs, Poles and Italians 1866-Prussia defeats Austria in Austro- Prussian War Prussian win control of newly formed North German Confederation (union of Prussia & 21 smaller German political units)! Hungarians push- Emperor Francis Joseph of Austria splits empire in two-Austro-Hungary Empire…hangs out until AFTER WWI

12 Back to RUSSIA!!! Made of many ethnic groups-Jews, Latvians, Poles & Romanians to name a few Romanov MUST keep Control!!! ◦ New policy…Russification-forced Russian culture on ALL peeps! ◦ After WWI…Russian czar gives up power 1917.

13 What about those Ottomans? Controlled-Greeks, Arabs, Bulgarians… 1856-Brits and French pushed for equality in Otts’ Empire Conservative Turks angered…killed some deported Armenians (1894-1896) Broke up after WWI too!

14 Italy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Italy forms from crumbs! 1815-1848 Piedmont-Sardinia: largest, liberal constitutional state 1852- Sardinia King, Victor Emmanuel II Count Camillo di CAVOUR-Prime Minister

15 CAVOUR Skilled diplomat, used alliance Wanted to expand P-S power Roadblock was AUSTRIA! 1858-Nap. III helped Cavour win provoked! War w/ Austria-gained North Italy….except Venetia

16 Garibaldi Unites! Leader of Southern Nationalist rebels- Red Shirts!!! 1860-captured Sicily Allowed all of Italy to unite under Emmanuel 1866-Venetia joins Italy 1870-Papal states joined Italy-Pope still owned Vatican City-Rome became capital

17 Germany Unites!!! 1815-Autrian Empire dominates the confederation Prussia-ready to UNIFY all German states ◦ Advantages-  mainly German population  nationalism unified it  most powerful army in central Europe  Has liberal constitution

18 Otto Von Bismarck!!! 1861-Wilhelm I wanted $ from bigger army…liberals refused…Wilhelm didn’t like not having authority…so picks a JUNKER (Prussian conservatives, wealthy land-owners) 1862-Otto Von Bismarck is made Prime Minister O.V.B.-a Realpolitik: tough power politics…no room for idealism

19 Otto Von Bismarck Rule without parliament’s approval…king okayed it VIOLATED the constitution! Told Prussian Parliament… “ It is not by means of speeches and majority resolutions that the great issues of the day will be decided- that was the great mistake of 1848-1849- but by blood and iron.”

20 Types of Nationalistic Movements Unification Merges politically divided but culturally similar lands Examples? Separation Culturally distinct group resists being added to a state or tries to break away Examples? State-building Culturally distinct groups form into a new state y accepting a single culture Examples?

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