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Forming a new Government In 1777, all 13 states had its own CONSTITUTION Written plan of government, explained what the gov. could & could not do and what.

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Presentation on theme: "Forming a new Government In 1777, all 13 states had its own CONSTITUTION Written plan of government, explained what the gov. could & could not do and what."— Presentation transcript:

1 Forming a new Government In 1777, all 13 states had its own CONSTITUTION Written plan of government, explained what the gov. could & could not do and what rights of citizens would be protected

2 US is a REPUBLICAny gov. Not ruled by a king and in which the power rests with the people. Most countries were monarchies so Americans wondered if their new republic would succeed.

3 Articles of Confederation Second Continental Congress 1 st national constitution March 1781

4 Power divided btwn national & state gov. Most power given to states Congress-established by Articles, had little power

5 Congress:Each state, regardless of pop. Or size, had one vote in Congress Could declare war, provide mail service, enter into treaties, coin $


7 Congress could not:Collect taxes Regulate trade

8 Many problems developed as a result of a weak national government Trouble raising $ (big debt) Could ask states for $ but couldn’t force them to pay Couldn’t settle trade disputes btwn states

9 B/C of weaknesses:Americans worried that a foreign power could take over Some states might set up as separate countries

10 Rebellion Bitter argument as a result of taxes in Massachusetts Daniel Shays led a group of angry farmers, many of whom had to sell land to pay taxes on a raid to seize guns stored at capital. Governor requested help from Congress, but Congress did not have the power to help.

11 Constitution Constitutional Convention, 1787 Met to discuss how to make the national gov. stronger “Great compromise” Guaranteed that each state would be treated fairly in Congress

12 House of Representatives Based on state’s population

13 SenateEach state would have two members called senators

14 PresidentVoters in each state would elect representatives called electors # of electors for each state would = the # of its senators and representatives Electors would vote for president

15 Delegates also determined that the national gov. would have certain powers over state gov. Constitution still had to be approved Stated would hold conventions to decide

16 Huge debate at the state level over the Constitution Federalists supported it Antifederalists didn’t NC did not: gave gov. too much power, no Bill of Rights to protect citizens Passed in 1788: 2 states opposed RI & NC

17 Pressured by other states to join, NC held a 2 nd state convention and approved it. 12 th state to join US. RI did not until the next year, 1790 George Washington elected president 1789 New York City, nation’s first capital

18 Bill of Rights 1791 10 amendments to protect basic rights of citizens Guarantees freedom of speech, press, religion, trial by jury Gave states all powers not already given to the federal gov. People now have the rights fought for in the American Rev.

19 Constitution Articles: seven parts of the constitution explain the way the gov. should be sep up and how the powers should be divided. 3 branches: Legislative Executive Judicial

20 Legislative Is congress Article 1 lists rules, powers and tells how its members are chosen Make laws, treaties, coin $, regulate trade

21 Executive President Vice President Makes sure that laws are carried out Article 2 Lists powers and how they are elected

22 Judicial National system of courts Supreme court Decide cases that involve the Constitution

23 Checks and balancesDivided powers of national gov. Keeps one branch from becoming too powerful Each branch can check on another’s actions and decisions

24 Pioneers began to settle West Daniel Boone Much of the west including New Orleans (port) belonged to Spain Lewis and Clark Zebulan Pike Secret treaty, Spain gave this land to France President Thomas Jefferson made a deal with Napoleon Bonaparte of France to buy New Orleans and all French land west of the Mississippi

25 $15 million Louisiana Purchase

26 War of 1812 US & Britain disagreed over the US/Canadian border US settlers in the West resented British forts there Brits seized American sailors and forced them to serve in their navy (impressment) President James Madison called for war Americans won key battles on Lake Erie and Lake Champlain Stopped Brits from invading the US from Canada

27 War of 1812 Pres. Madison was away. His wife, Dolly was at the White House. Battle was so close she could hear the cannons. She refused to leave the WH until the portrait of George Wash. Was removed and sent to safety.

28 She loaded up a wagon full of WH art, china, books, etc. Left just in time Brits burned anything in Washington connected with our gov, including the White House

29 Francis Scott Key wrote the “Star- Spangled Banner” Peace treaty signed that ended the war America showed the world their republic could succeed

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