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TYPES Of GOVERNMENT Who rules? How do citizens participate in their government?

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2 TYPES Of GOVERNMENT Who rules? How do citizens participate in their government?

3 TYPES Of GOVERNMENT There are 4 basic types of government. Democracy

4 P.9 8/28/14 Types of government You can turn your paper whatever way works best for you. Forms of government Autocracy - Oligarchy - Monarchy - Democracy -

5 Autocracy Power in the hands of ONE. A government ruled by a single leader who has unlimited power Examples of this would be a dictatorship. One person is in charge and often takes over by force. Example leaders are Adolf Hitler, Benito Mussolini, Sadam Hussein FLREA © 2012

6 OLIGARCHY Power in the hands of a FEW. - A small group exercises control. - Power can come from military strength, social class, wealth, religion, or a combination. - The citizen has very limited role in the government. There are no countries that are classified oligarchies today, however some countries have aspects of it, such as communist countries. -Example: China: Only members of a select political parties controlled by the Chinese Communist Party can run for elections.

7 Autocracy and Oligarchy People have very little say in both types of government, yet may claim they “rule for the people”. For example: May hold elections with only one candidate or control the results in various ways. Even when these governments have a legislature or national assembly, they often only approve decisions made by the leaders.

8 Monarchy A monarchy has a king, queen, emperor or empress. Power is believed to have come from God. The ruling position can be passed on from generation to generation. Queen Elizabeth II King Abdullah of Saudi Arabia Image from the New York Post

9 DEMOCRACY Power in the hands of ALL. - Power in the hands of ALL. - Democracy means “rule by the people”. - Supreme power is in the peoples hands. For example we vote for our representatives like the president - Examples: The United States

10 Direct Representative Democracy -is a government - a system where where people have an individual have a voice in individual vote in government through Government. Elected representatives -People vote on all - People elect Issues. Representatives and give them the power to vote on issues

11 Parliamentary Presidential -Voters elect the members - Voters elect the members of of the legislature the legislature as well as the and the legislature leader (President). selects or elects - The leader is elected the leader (prime minister,Separately. Premier, or chancellor) EX: United States, Mexico, and -The leader is chosen from Brazil within the legislature (parliament). EX: United Kingdom, Canada Australia

12 Parliamentary EXAMPLE: United Kingdom, Canada, Australia.

13 Presidential EXAMPLE: United States, Mexico, Brazil.

14 Parliament ary Democracy Presidential Democracy Executive Legislative Citizens Legislative Executive Elect Elect Select/Elect Elect

15 Types of Monarchy In a traditional monarchies, the monarch has absolute power, like in Saudi Arabia. A constitutional monarchy, like the United Kingdom, also has a democratic government that limits the monarch's control.

16 Totalitarian Government Communism – the government believes in owning all means of production and eliminating private property – all things are owned by the government and shared by the people – intention of this system is to ensure that everyone has equal access and property – However, this system can become corrupt quickly with the government removing all rights of the people

17 Totalitarian Government Socialism – Believed that the conditions for workers and other citizens could be improved through government ownership. Took over some industries Imposed stricter regulations on employers Provided more social services. A few Socialist governments still exist today, like Norway.

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