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Changing Life in the 18 th Century: The Agricultural Revolution.

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1 Changing Life in the 18 th Century: The Agricultural Revolution

2 Agricultural Revolution Old Ways Old Ways Open field system Open field system Common lands Common lands Labor & tax system Labor & tax system Serfdom (east. & west. Europe) Serfdom (east. & west. Europe)

3 Development of farming in Medieval Europe

4 Open Field System The open field system, developed during the Middle Ages, divided the land into a few large fields, which were then cut up into long, narrow strips. The open field system, developed during the Middle Ages, divided the land into a few large fields, which were then cut up into long, narrow strips. The fields were farmed jointly by the community, but a large portion of the arable land was always left fallow. The fields were farmed jointly by the community, but a large portion of the arable land was always left fallow. Common lands were set aside for community use. Common lands were set aside for community use.

5 The labor and tax system throughout Europe was unjust, but eastern European peasants suffered the most. The labor and tax system throughout Europe was unjust, but eastern European peasants suffered the most. 1. There were few limitations on the amount of forced labor the lord could require. 1. There were few limitations on the amount of forced labor the lord could require. 2. Serfs could be sold. 2. Serfs could be sold. By the eighteenth century most peasants in western Europe were free from serfdom, and many owned some land. By the eighteenth century most peasants in western Europe were free from serfdom, and many owned some land.


7 New Ways New Ways Crop rotation Crop rotation Enclosure movement Enclosure movement Farming innovations Farming innovations Jethro Tull

8 It was not possible for the peasants to increase their landholdings by taking land from the rich landowners. It was not possible for the peasants to increase their landholdings by taking land from the rich landowners. The use of idle fallow land by crop rotation increased cultivation, which meant more food. The use of idle fallow land by crop rotation increased cultivation, which meant more food. 1. The secret was in alternating grain crops with nitrogen storing crops, such as peas and beans, root crops, and grasses. 1. The secret was in alternating grain crops with nitrogen storing crops, such as peas and beans, root crops, and grasses. 2. This meant more fodder for animals, which meant more meat for the people and more manure for fertilizer. 2. This meant more fodder for animals, which meant more meat for the people and more manure for fertilizer. 3. These improvements necessitated ending the open field system by "enclosing" the fields. 3. These improvements necessitated ending the open field system by "enclosing" the fields.

9 Enclosure of the open fields also meant the disappearance of common land which hurt the small landholders and village poor. Enclosure of the open fields also meant the disappearance of common land which hurt the small landholders and village poor. 1. Many peasants and some noble landowners opposed these changes. 1. Many peasants and some noble landowners opposed these changes. 2. The enclosure process was slow, and enclosed and open fields existed side by side for a long time. 2. The enclosure process was slow, and enclosed and open fields existed side by side for a long time. 3. Only in the Low Countries and England was enclosure widespread. 3. Only in the Low Countries and England was enclosure widespread.


11 Who benefited from enclosures? People who benefited from enclosures People who did not benefit from enclosures Landowners - they made large profits from enclosures because the new fields were more efficient and they could charge their tenants higher rents. Smallholders - many villagers lost their land and were forced to become laborers, either because they could not prove their right to enclosed land, or because they could not afford to enclose land Tenant farmers - they did not mind the higher rents because they were making so much profit that they could afford new machinery and the best fertilizer. Landless laborers - people such as squatters really suffered because the common land was turned into enclosed land. Many of them were left hungry. Laborers - they were given more work digging ditches, planting hedges and building roads. Many of them even gained new homes on their master's estates.

12 The leadership of the Low Countries and England By the middle of the seventeenth century, the Low Countries led in intensive farming. By the middle of the seventeenth century, the Low Countries led in intensive farming. This Dutch lead was due largely to the need to feed a growing population. This Dutch lead was due largely to the need to feed a growing population. The growth of the urban population provided good markets for the produce. The growth of the urban population provided good markets for the produce. Dutch engineers such as Vermuyden helped England drain its marshes to create more arable land. Dutch engineers such as Vermuyden helped England drain its marshes to create more arable land. Townsend was one of the pioneers of English agricultural improvement. Townsend was one of the pioneers of English agricultural improvement. Tull advocated the use of horses for plowing and drilling equipment for sowing seeds. Tull advocated the use of horses for plowing and drilling equipment for sowing seeds.

13 The cost of enclosure Some historians argue that the English landowners were more efficient than continental owners, and that enclosures were fair. Some historians argue that the English landowners were more efficient than continental owners, and that enclosures were fair. Others argue that the enclosure acts forced small peasants and landless cottagers off the land. Others argue that the enclosure acts forced small peasants and landless cottagers off the land. The enclosure movement marked the rise of market oriented estate agriculture and the emergence of a landless rural proletariat. The enclosure movement marked the rise of market oriented estate agriculture and the emergence of a landless rural proletariat.

14 In reality, the enclosure and the exclusion of cottagers and laborers had begun as early as the sixteenth century. In reality, the enclosure and the exclusion of cottagers and laborers had begun as early as the sixteenth century. 1. It was the independent peasant farmers who could not compete, and thus began to disappear. 1. It was the independent peasant farmers who could not compete, and thus began to disappear. 2. The tenant farmers, who rented land from the big landlords, benefited from enclosure. 2. The tenant farmers, who rented land from the big landlords, benefited from enclosure. 3. By 1815 a tiny minority of English and Scottish landlords held most of the land-- which they rented to tenants, who hired laborers. 3. By 1815 a tiny minority of English and Scottish landlords held most of the land-- which they rented to tenants, who hired laborers.

15 The beginning of the population explosion The limitations on population growth The limitations on population growth 1. The traditional checks on growth were famine, disease, and war. 1. The traditional checks on growth were famine, disease, and war. 2. These checks kept Europe's population growth rate fairly low. 2. These checks kept Europe's population growth rate fairly low. Population growth resulted from fewer deaths, partly owing to the disappearance of the plague. Population growth resulted from fewer deaths, partly owing to the disappearance of the plague. 1. Stricter quarantine measures helped eliminate the plague. 1. Stricter quarantine measures helped eliminate the plague. 2. The elimination of the black rat by the brown rat was a key reason for the disappearance of the disease. 2. The elimination of the black rat by the brown rat was a key reason for the disappearance of the disease.

16 Advances in medicine, such as inoculation against smallpox, did little to reduce the death rate in Europe. Advances in medicine, such as inoculation against smallpox, did little to reduce the death rate in Europe. Improvements in sanitation promoted better public health. Improvements in sanitation promoted better public health. An increase in the food supply meant fewer famines and epidemics, especially as transportation improved. An increase in the food supply meant fewer famines and epidemics, especially as transportation improved. The growing population often led to overpopulation and increased rural poverty. The growing population often led to overpopulation and increased rural poverty.

17 The growth of cottage industry Rural poverty and population growth led to peasants undertaking manufacturing at home. Rural poverty and population growth led to peasants undertaking manufacturing at home. 1. By the eighteenth century this cottage industry challenged the monopoly of the urban craft industry. 1. By the eighteenth century this cottage industry challenged the monopoly of the urban craft industry. The putting out system The putting out system 1. The putting out system was based on rural workers producing cloth in their homes for merchant capitalists, who supplied the raw materials and paid for the finished goods. 1. The putting out system was based on rural workers producing cloth in their homes for merchant capitalists, who supplied the raw materials and paid for the finished goods. 2. This capitalist system reduced the problem of rural unemployment and provided cheap goods. 2. This capitalist system reduced the problem of rural unemployment and provided cheap goods. 3. England led the way in the conversion from urban to rural textile production. 3. England led the way in the conversion from urban to rural textile production.

18 The textile industry in England The English textile industry was a family industry: the women would spin and the men would weave. The English textile industry was a family industry: the women would spin and the men would weave. This took place in their tiny cottage. This took place in their tiny cottage. Each cottage had a loom--e.g., Kay's new "flying shuttle" loom. Each cottage had a loom--e.g., Kay's new "flying shuttle" loom. A major problem was that there were not enough spinners to make yarn for the weaver. A major problem was that there were not enough spinners to make yarn for the weaver. Strained relations often existed between workers and capitalist employers. Strained relations often existed between workers and capitalist employers. The capitalist found it difficult to control the worker. The capitalist found it difficult to control the worker.

19 Textile Manufacturing Before the Industrial Revolution Revolution in the Textile Industry Factories and the Growth of Industrial Cities

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