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 Aristocrats- 5% of population  Controlled majority of land  Aristocrats used existing government institutions to limit the power of the monarchy.

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2  Aristocrats- 5% of population  Controlled majority of land  Aristocrats used existing government institutions to limit the power of the monarchy

3  Consists of 400 of families  Game Laws- gave English exclusive rights to hunt from 1671 to 1831 to hunt  Owned ¼ of all arable land  Controlled the House of Lords and House of Commons (limited power of Monarcy)

4  Consisted of Military Officers and Bureaucrats  Two major groups: ◦ Those who were at Versailles (wealthy and power) ◦ Those who were not Versailles

5  Polish exerted complete control over serfs and had sole political representation  Austria and Hungary-exempt from taxation  Russia 1785 Charter of the Nobility- Catherine the Great defined the legal rights of nobles and their families in exchange for nobilities voluntary service of state

6  ¾ of all Europeans lived in country during 18 th century  Great Britain- Technically had rights of English Citizens (court run by landowners)  France- Responsible for amount of forced labor corvee. Paid feudal dues

7  Prussia- complete control of serfs  Russian Serfs- slaves, had no legal rights ◦ Numerous revolts between 1762 and 1769 ◦ Pugachev’s Rebellion between 1773-1775

8  Relatively free because of high demand of labor  Could leave landlords if choose  Gave more power within system

9  Households in Northwest Europe- consisted of married couple and children (immediate family)  Children leave in teens and find work to support family  Neolocalism- leave and form own families around 20s (stayed relatively close to home)

10  Marriage much earlier (before 20)  Wives older than husbands  3 or 4 generations lived under same roof

11  Production improves in Netherlands (Golden Age) ◦ Built Dikes ◦ Expanded Land ◦ Experimented with new crops

12  English Landlords popularized Dutch innovations ◦ Jethro Tull- financed experiments permitted land to remain cultivated longer ◦ Robert Bakewell- new methods of Animal Breeding ◦ Charles Townsend- use of fertlizer and crop rotation  Enclosure Method: ◦ replaced open field method (village commons) of farming. ◦ Commercialized agriculture and maximized profits for landlord

13  Made possible the production of more goods and services than ever before  Iron Production- redefines gender roles: men to mines; women to cottage industries  New machinery invented (from animal to machine power) ◦ Spinning Jenny ◦ Water Frame ◦ The Steam Engine

14  The Growth of Cities (urbanization) 1650- 1700  Agricultural Revolution- allows for urban centers to grow  Industrial Revolution- requires workers to live nearby factories  Social Divisions- upper classes; middle class; artisans; and peasants

15  Majority lives in Eastern Europe (exception Netherlands)  Russia- Catherine the Great intolerant of Jewish population discourage settlement  Jewish population were persecuted all across Europe

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