5 Components of Fitness Also known as Health-Related Fitness Components
5 Components of Fitness Cardiorespiratory Endurance Muscular Endurance Muscular Strength Flexibility Body Composition
Skill-Related Fitness Components Agility Balance Coordination Power Reaction Time Speed
What does FITT stand for? F I T The FITT Principle is a formula in which each letter represents a variable for determining the correct amount of physical activity.
FITT Frequency – How often you work out each week.
FITT Frequency – How often you work out each week. Intensity – How hard you work out or how much resistance.
FITT Frequency – How often you work out each week. Intensity – How hard you work out or how much resistance. Time – How long you work out (minutes or repetitions).
FITT Frequency – How often you work out each week. Intensity – How hard you work out or how much resistance. Time – How long you work out (minutes or repetitions). Type – What type of activity you choose to best help meet your fitness goals.
FITT and Cardiorespiratory Endurance Frequency: 5-7 days per week
FITT and Cardiorespiratory Endurance Frequency: 5-7 days per week Intensity: 65%-85% of MHR or level 4 RPE
FITT and Cardiorespiratory Endurance Frequency: 5-7 days per week Intensity: 65%-85% of MHR or level 4 RPE Time: 60 minutes
FITT and Cardiorespiratory Endurance Frequency: 5-7 days per week Intensity: 65%-85% of MHR or level 4 RPE Time: 60 minutes Type: Running, biking, swimming (things that keep your HR up for a long period of time)