College Writing Skills with Readings Subject-Verb Agreement Chapter Twenty-Seven Subject-Verb Agreement.


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Presentation transcript:

College Writing Skills with Readings Subject-Verb Agreement Chapter Twenty-Seven Subject-Verb Agreement

Subject-Verb Agreement When subjects and verbs agree, they match in number and person. third person subjects require the third person form of the verb. In other words, singular subjects require singular verbs and plural subjects match plural verbs; third person subjects require the third person form of the verb. My brother buys old bicycles. to repair. My brothers buy old bicycles. to repair.

except In English, regular verbs take the same form for singular and plural except for the third- person singular form of the verb. The -s, or -es ending on a verb designates a singular verb. In fact, nouns and verbs are the opposite where plural endings are concerned. Subject/Verb Agreement The boy walksThe boys walk

Do not A subject agrees with its verb no matter how far apart the two are. Do not be distracted by nouns or pronouns placed between the subject and verb. The ducks on the lake behind the school swim in large groups. The ducks on the lake behind the school swim in large groups. A list of required readings is mailed to entering freshmen. A list of required readings is mailed to entering freshmen. Subject-Verb Agreement

When normal word order is inverted and the subject follows the verb, the subject and verb must agree. Standing at the door with grins on their faces were the cheerleaders. Standing at the door with grins on their faces were the cheerleaders. Subject-Verb Agreement

and A compound subject that is linked by the conjunction “and ” requires a plural verb. Both the college newspaper and the literary magazine fail to attract experienced staff. Both the college newspaper and the literary magazine fail to attract experienced staff. Subject-Verb Agreement

or nor A compound subject linked by the conjunction or or nor requires a singular verb. Either the dean or his assistant addresses the freshmen class. Either the dean or his assistant addresses the freshmen class. Neither geology nor astronomy is required for my major. Neither geology nor astronomy is required for my major. Subject-Verb Agreement

Indefinite pronouns Indefinite pronouns refer to indefinite persons or things and usually require a singular verb. Each of the volunteers tutors for at least three hours every week. Each of the volunteers tutors for at least three hours every week. Subject-Verb Agreement

If a collective noun acts as a single unit, it takes a singular verb. My entire family is coming for homecoming weekend. My entire family is coming for homecoming weekend. Subject-Verb Agreement

Note:there here Note: Sentences that begin with there or here have the subject follow the verb. There are three branches of government: judicial, executive, and legislative. There are three branches of government: judicial, executive, and legislative. Subject-Verb Agreement

Movies in today’s market makes a great deal of money. IncorrectIncorrect Click to see answer….

Movies in today’s market make a great deal of money. RevisedRevised

The American audiences pays for tickets at the theater and for cable at home. IncorrectIncorrect

The American audiences pay for tickets at the theater and for cable at home. RevisedRevised

The international market, which includes dozens of countries, produces even more profit. Correct

Films are very expensive to manufacture, so American studios creates far more films than other countries. IncorrectIncorrect

Films are very expensive to manufacture, so American studios create far more films than other countries. RevisedRevised

There is many advantages to seeing a movie seeing a movie in the theater rather than watching a video at home. IncorrectIncorrect

There are many advantages to seeing a movie seeing a movie in the theater rather than watching a video watching a video at home. RevisedRevised

The dark theater and the enormous screen take the movie viewer to another world. Correct

The background music in movies play an important role. IncorrectIncorrect

The background music in movies plays an important role. RevisedRevised

The music creates a mood and gives a signal of something to come. Correct

Not everyone in the entertainment fields agree about the quality of the quality of movies. movies. IncorrectIncorrect

Not everyone in the entertainment field agrees about the quality of movies. RevisedRevised

Neither the use of subtitles nor black and white photography demonstrate the preferences of most Americans. IncorrectIncorrect

Neither the use of subtitles nor black and white photography demonstrates the preferences of most Americans. RevisedRevised

Activities Activities 1 (p485), 2, (p486), 3 (p ), and 4 (p487).