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Subject-Verb Agreement cont.. I can identify the subject of a sentence. I can use the correct verb based on the subject of the sentence.

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Presentation on theme: "Subject-Verb Agreement cont.. I can identify the subject of a sentence. I can use the correct verb based on the subject of the sentence."— Presentation transcript:

1 Subject-Verb Agreement cont.

2 I can identify the subject of a sentence. I can use the correct verb based on the subject of the sentence.

3 Subjects joined by and = plural verb *exception: compound subject that names only one person/thing = singular Acids and bases are interesting. Macaroni and cheese is tasty.

4 Singular subjects joined by or or nor = singular verb Plural subjects joined by or or nor = singular verb Neither Sally nor Jesse want to watch t.v. Neither cows nor pigs are her favorite animal.

5 Singular subject and plural subject joined by or or nor = verb agrees with subject closest to it in the sentence. Neither the color photo nor the black-and-white drawings show jewelry I like. Neither the drawings nor the photo shows anything cheap.

6 Collective Noun as Subject Singular Collective Noun: names a group of persons, animals or things as one unit; takes a singular verb The family is new to town. family = one group Plural Collective Noun: refers to individual parts or members of the group The family are meeting downtown. family = separate people

7 Subject follows verb Find subject and match verb Here and there are not subjects When are Oscar and Ana leaving for the party? There are the gifts. Here is the invitation to the party.

8 Don’t and Doesn’t agree with their subjects in number Plural subjects = don’t I and you subjects = don’t Singular subjects (except I and you) = doesn’t

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