Modification: 0479 - Inclusion of email as a valid UNC communication Allowing email as a valid form of UNC communication in specific circumstances.


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Presentation transcript:

Modification: Inclusion of as a valid UNC communication Allowing as a valid form of UNC communication in specific circumstances.

2 Why Change? has superseded fax as a more efficient and common form of business communication Precedents have been set in the energy industry: − Gas Industry: UNC Modification Proposal 033, ‘Notification to Users of Emergency Incidents – Impacts on Code Communications’ extended allowable forms of communication to include internet and within the Shipper Incident Communication Procedure (SCIP) and was implemented in − Electricity Industry: Modification Proposal P133, ‘ Communication under the Code’ allowed general communication given by the Balancing and Settlement Code Committee (BSCCo) to all parties simultaneously to be sent by .

3 Why Change? There is scope for positive change: − A 2011 Transmission Workgroup on Force Majeure and payment of Exit Charges discussed the reliability of faxes and questioned whether may be a more appropriate alternative. − Several areas of the UNC that dictate specific forms of communication or contact details have never been looked at with regards . − Appendix 5 of the UK Link Manual can be reviewed for potential amendments.

4 Solution Examples of UNC amendments: − UNC TPD S3.4.5 (Invoice and Payment) and UNC TPD V3.4.7 (Code Credit Limits) dictate the information Users shall provide to Transporters to allow communication on Transportation Charges and Invoicing. Currently they only dictate the inclusion of a single telephone number, address and facsimile number. These proposals will amend the references to include a single address. − UNC TPD V2.1.2 (Admission Requirements) states that in order to become a Shipper User in relation to a System or a Trader User in relation to the NTS a person must provide the address, telephone and facsimile numbers of the Applicant User. This will be amended to include a single address to improve communications. Appendix 5 of the UK Link Manual is being reviewed by NGN and will be presented to the Workgroup for discussion and to consider additional potential areas for inclusion of . We would also welcome suggestions from Workgroup members on possible areas of the Code that could be included in this proposal to be amended to allow communication.

5 Governance Arrangements When an should be deemed to have been received by Parties? An should be deemed to have been received one hour after it has been successfully send. If the conclusion of this hour falls after 5p.m., the shall be deemed to have been received at 9 a.m. the following day. The party is responsible for checking and reading the in the same way as with post and fax. What happens if an system fails? The responsibility to maintain a fully functional system necessarily lies with the Party who owns it. However, the UK link manual will still allow for conventional means of communication, so if an fails we can use letter or fax.