SAT-10/ARMT Results (Stanford 10),was administered to Alabama students in Grades 3-8 for the first time in April 2003. Norm-referenced scores Enable us.


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Presentation transcript:

SAT-10/ARMT Results (Stanford 10),was administered to Alabama students in Grades 3-8 for the first time in April Norm-referenced scores Enable us to compare a student’s performance with the performance of the norming group.

Primary Purpose of the Stanford 10 To compare individual performance with performance of the norming group. To report relative strengths and weaknesses of individuals. To provide data to study changes in performance over time

Reported Scores Number Correct Norm-Referenced Scores - National Percentile Ranks (PR) - National Stanines (S) - National Grade Percentile Bands - Cluster Ranges - Achievement/Ability Comparison Range

Reported Scores cont…………….. National Percentile Ranks (PR) A percentile rank tells the percent of students in the norming group who got the same raw score or a low raw score on the test. National Stanines (S) Stanines range from a low of 1 to a high of 9, with 5 denoting the national average. Stanines 1,2, and 3 are below average; 4,5, and 6are average ; and 7,8, and 9 are above average.

Percentile Rank……………… A student earning a percentile rank tells the percent of students in the norming group who got the same raw score or a lower raw score on the test. A student earning a percentile rank of 65 performed as well or better than 65% of the students in the norming group.

National Stanines (S) What do we know about a stanine score of 4? What do we know about a stanine score of 5? What do we know about a stanine score of 7?

Bell-Shaped Curve

ARMT Achievement Levels Standards have been set in order to report the student’s overall performance in reading and mathematics by an achievement level. There are four achievement levels for reading and mathematics.

Four Achievement Levels Level I- Does not meet academic content standards Level II- Partially meets academic content standards Level III- Meets academic content standards (grade-level performance) Level IV- Exceeds academic content standards

Purpose of the Data To improve achievement Determine the achievement of individual students and students groups Identify relative strengths and weakness of individual students and students group. Provide data to study changes in performance of individual students and students and student groups over time.

Your ARMT Scores……………. What is your achievement level in reading? What does this tell you about your overall mastery of grade-level reading content? What is your achievement level in mathematics? What does this tell you about your overall mastery of grade-level mathematics content?

What can you do Better? Identify specific instructional strategies to address strengths and/or weaknesses in reading and mathematics. Work hard this year to get a better score!!!!!