English Workshop I. Superstitions 日常生活中,我們往往相信 一些事情會帶來好運或是厄 運。以下為一些迷信,你相 不相信這些迷信呢?


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Presentation transcript:

English Workshop I. Superstitions 日常生活中,我們往往相信 一些事情會帶來好運或是厄 運。以下為一些迷信,你相 不相信這些迷信呢?

GoodLuck Good Luck - A four-leaf clover brings good luck. - Knocking on wood brings good luck. - Garlic ( 大蒜 ) can protect people from evil spirits. - Throwing some salt over your left shoulder can help to keep evil spirits away. - Cleaning your house on Chinese New Year’s Eve will bring better fortune in the new year.

BadLuck Bad Luck - Friday the thirteenth is an unlucky day. - Seeing a black cat means bad luck. - Walking under a ladder will bring bad luck. - Breaking a mirror brings about seven years of bad luck. - Opening an umbrella inside a house brings bad luck. - The number four is an unlucky number in Chinese culture.

利用下列的用語和同學分享你的意見。 ShowingBelief Showing Belief - I agree (that) I (strongly) believe (that) I’m kind of in the belief that I do believe in the superstition that....

ShowingDisbelief Showing Disbelief - I don’t agree (that) I don’t (really) believe (that) It’s hard for me to believe (that) I don’t believe in the superstition that....

II. Reasons for Believing or Disbelieving or Disbelieving 以下是一些相信或是不相 信的理由,試著結合上面 的用語,表達你相信或不 相信某個迷信的原因。

Reasons for Belief - This is a family taboo for us. - Prevention is better than cure. - I do it because everybody does it. - I once had a bad experience with this. - My family believes in this superstition. - It’s just one part of my life, and it has become a habit.

Reasons for Belief - Whether it’s true or not, it’s better to be safe than sorry. - You never know what will happen to you. It’s better to be careful. - I think it exists for some reason, so it’s better to believe in it than not.

Reasons for Disbelief - It just never happened to me. - I only believe in science and facts. - What will happen to us is all already destined. - I have done it many times, and it didn’t work at all.

Reasons for Disbelief - I’m not a superstitious person, and I only believe in myself. - I have raised a black cat, and nothing bad has ever happened to me. - I think that only what you believe determines what will happen to you.

範例 : A: Do you think you’re superstitious? B: Perhaps I am. For example, I strongly believe that Friday the thirteenth is an unlucky day because I had a bad experience before on this day. How about you? A: I don’t believe in superstitions because I only believe in science and facts.