Oakdale Irrigation District Agricultural Water Management Plan Briefing on 2015 Update January 5, 2016 1 1/5/2016 OID AWMP Update Briefing.


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Presentation transcript:

Oakdale Irrigation District Agricultural Water Management Plan Briefing on 2015 Update January 5, /5/2016 OID AWMP Update Briefing

2 1/5/2016 Outline Agricultural Water Management Plan (AWMP) Process Water Balance Analysis and Summary Efficient Water Management Practice (EWMP) Status and Positions Water Resources Plan Implementation Status Drought Management Plan and Drought Impacts Summary Questions and Discussion

3 OID AWMP Update Briefing 1/5/2016 AB Agricultural Water Suppliers Efficient Water Management Practices Act Enacted in 1990 Established Agricultural Water Management Council (AWMC) Voluntary preparation AWMPs Initial OID AWMP adopted in September 2005 Regulatory Context (AB3616)

4 OID AWMP Update Briefing 1/5/2016 SBx7-7 – Water Conservation Act of 2009 Enacted in 2009 Mandatory process for suppliers over 25,000 acres Requires preparation and adoption of AWMP Includes new delivery measurement and volumetric pricing requirements Non-compliance results in ineligibility for State water grants and loans Regulatory Context (SBx7-7)

5 OID AWMP Update Briefing 1/5/2016 Executive Order B Issued by Governor Brown on April 1, 2015 Requires 2015 AWMP updates to include detailed “Drought Management Plan” Requires description of water supplies and demands for 2013, 2014, and 2015 to the extent available Regulatory Context (EO B-29-15)

AWMP Preparation and Contents Prepare Water Balance Implement Critical (Mandatory) EWMPs Delivery measurement with “sufficient accuracy” Volumetric pricing Evaluate Additional (Conditional) EWMPs Implement if technically feasible and cost-effective Prepare Plan District description Water supply inventory Water balance Climate change evaluation Description of EWMP implementation Water Resources Plan (WRP) implementation review Involve the public 1/5/2016 OID AWMP Update Briefing 6 Status Ongoing Ongoing

OID Water Resources Plan 7 OID AWMP Update Briefing 1/5/2016

2015 AWMP Update Adoption Process 8 OID AWMP Update Briefing 1/5/2016 Provide briefing on AWMP update (Jan 5) Set hearing date and make draft plan available (by Jan 19) Post on Internet Notify counties and cities of availability Hold public hearing (Feb 2) Consider adoption at Board meeting (Feb 2) Make final adopted plan available (within 30 days of adoption) Send to Department of Water Resources Post on Internet Place at local libraries Send to other local water agencies

Water Balance Analysis and Results 1/5/2016 OID AWMP Update Briefing 9 AWMP Results

What is a Water Balance? Complete accounting of all water flowing into and out of the district over a specified period (months or years) Basic accounting principle: Inflow – Outflow ± Change in Storage = 0 Same as a checking account: Deposits – Withdrawals ± Change in Balance = 0 10 OID AWMP Update Briefing 1/5/2016

Water Balance Benefits Provide insights into water management Assess water supply adequacy and conservation opportunities Assess water measurement and data management practices and opportunities Evaluate exchanges with underlying groundwater basin and demonstrate sustainable management 11 OID AWMP Update Briefing 1/5/2016

OID Water Balance Separated into 3 accounting centers Distribution system (OID canals) Farmed lands Drainage system (OID drains) Monthly Accounting from 2005 to to 2014 added as part of update “Flow through” winter flows not fully accounted Results demonstrate the following: Efficient water management Net contribution to groundwater system 12 OID AWMP Update Briefing 1/5/2016

OID Water Balance Structure 13 OID AWMP Update Briefing 1/5/2016

OID Water Balance Summary 14 OID AWMP Update Briefing 1/5/2016 Inflows Outflows

Groundwater Recharge 15 OID AWMP Update Briefing 1/5/2016

16 OID AWMP Update Briefing 1/5/2016 Surface Outflow Destinations

Surface Outflows by Destination 1/5/2016 OID AWMP Update Briefing 17

Efficient Water Management Practice Implementation Status 1/5/2016 OID AWMP Update Briefing 18 AWMP Results

Efficient Water Management Practices SBx7-7 requires districts to evaluate & implement two types of EWMPs 2 Critical (Mandatory) EWMPs [§ (b)] Delivery Measurement Volumetric Pricing 14 Additional (Conditional) EWMPs [§ (c)] 19 OID AWMP Update Briefing 1/5/2016

Critical (Mandatory) EWMPs 1.Delivery Measurement District-wide inventory and inspection completed Compliant turnout standards developed Replacement in accordance with WRP Focus on turnouts serving largest acreages Continued improvements to meet State regulatory requirements 2.Volumetric Pricing Adopted pricing structure in part on volume in 2014 Provided mock bills in 2015 Coordinate with WRP update 20 OID AWMP Update Briefing 1/5/2016

Additional (Conditional) EWMP Evaluation Process 21 1/5/2016 Is EWMP already being implemented? Describe actions and estimate WUE improvements Yes Why not? No Provide justification Not Technically Feasible Prepare Net Benefit Analysis Not Cost Effective OID AWMP Update Briefing

Additional (Conditional) EWMPs 1.Facilitate alternative land use 2.Facilitate use of available recycled water 3.Facilitate financing of on-farm capital improvements 4.Implement incentive pricing 5.Line or pipe canals, and construct regulatory reservoirs 6.Increase flexibility in water ordering and delivery 7.Construct and operate supplier spill and tailwater recovery systems 1/5/ Status Not Feasible OID AWMP Update Briefing

Additional (Conditional) EWMPs, cont. 8.Increase planned conjunctive use of surface water and groundwater 9.Automate canal control structures 10.Facilitate or promote customer pump testing and evaluation 11.Designate Water Conservation Coordinator 12.Provide for the availability of water management services to customers 13.Evaluate supplier’s policies 14.Improve supplier’s pumping efficiency 1/5/ Status OID AWMP Update Briefing

Water Resources Plan Implementation Status 1/5/2016 OID AWMP Update Briefing 24 AWMP Results

Water Resources Plan Under Implementation since capital improvement projects between 2006 and 2014 ($46 million) 175 projects since 2012 ($7.1 million) Currently being updated Increased focus on turnouts for compliance with new State regulations Less projects since 2012 due to expended bond proceeds and lack of firm long-term water transfers 25 OID AWMP Update Briefing 1/5/2016

Capital Improvements by Year (Does not include main canal and tunnel improvements or North Side reservoir) 26 OID AWMP Update Briefing 1/5/2016

Cumulative Capital Improvements (Does not include main canal and tunnel improvements) 27 OID AWMP Update Briefing 1/5/2016

Drought Management Plan and Impacts Summary 1/5/2016 OID AWMP Update Briefing 28 AWMP Results

Drought Management Plan Required under Executive Order B Expands upon existing OID surface water shortage policy Topics addressed: Determination of available water supply Drought responses (OID water management actions) Drought impacts (supplies and demands) 29 OID AWMP Update Briefing 1/5/2016

Drought Responses Declaration of drought and surface water shortage policies Coordination and collaboration Supply management Demand management 30 OID AWMP Update Briefing 1/5/2016

Drought Impacts Impacts on water supplies OID surface water OID groundwater Impacts on water demands Reference evapotranspiration Crop evapotranspiration of applied water 31 OID AWMP Update Briefing 1/5/2016

OID Surface Water Supplies, OID AWMP Update Briefing 1/5/2016

OID Groundwater Supplies, OID AWMP Update Briefing 1/5/2016

Reference Evapotranspiration, OID AWMP Update Briefing 1/5/2016

Crop Evapotranspiration of Applied Water, OID AWMP Update Briefing 1/5/2016

36 OID AWMP Update Briefing 1/5/2016 Questions and Discussion