Direct Object A noun or pronoun that shows the result of the predicate. Answers the question “what?” or “whom?” after the predicate.


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Presentation transcript:

Direct Object A noun or pronoun that shows the result of the predicate. Answers the question “what?” or “whom?” after the predicate.

Examples My neighbour asked us an interesting question. (What?) The television set required repair. (What?) Tyler edited three errors in her essay. (What?) They oiled the skates before lacing them up. (What?) We guided him during the mountain climb. (Whom?) James met Mr. Hunt in the school’s main office. (Whom?)

Indirect Object Noun, pronoun or word group that answers the question “to whom?” or “for whom?” after the action verb. Comes before a direct object in the sentence.

Examples Mr. Higgins gave Penny an award. (To whom was the award given? – Penny) Laura gave us a challenging problem. (To whom did Laura give the challenging problem? – us) Their efforts earned them a handsome reward. (Earned a handsome reward for whom? – his mother)

Remember Prepositions? Shows relationship between a noun or pronoun and another word Against On top Below Beside Off Up To

Prepositional Phrase A group of words made up of a preposition, its object and any of the object’s modifiers. The elderly man went to the doctor’s office today. In the morning, the elementary school students perform their exercises. Tomas walked into the dark house. Someone in this office has borrowed the stapler from Joe.

Object of the Preposition Noun or pronoun that follows a preposition. The orange juice box was in the new refrigerator. Prepositional phrase: in the new refrigerator Object of the preposition: refrigerator Our plans for the trip will need to change now. Preposition: for the trip Object of the preposition: trip