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The Parts of a Sentence Every complete sentence contains two parts: a subject and a predicate. The subject is what (or whom) the sentence is about, while.

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2 The Parts of a Sentence

3 Every complete sentence contains two parts: a subject and a predicate. The subject is what (or whom) the sentence is about, while the predicate tells something about the subject – usually what the subject did or the state of being of the subject.

4 Ex. Identify complete and simple subject and predicate. After fighting, Tom and Jerry always kissed and made up.

5 Ex. Complete subject and predicate. After fighting, Tom and Jerry / always kissed and made up.

6 Find the action and then ask who / what did it.

7 Ex. Simple subject and predicate After fighting, Tom and Jerry / always kissed and made up.

8 compound verb Compound Sentence Parts A sentence may have a compound subject -- a simple subject made up of more than one noun or pronoun joined by and/or. Ex. Jack and Jill went up the hill. Ex. Either Sara or Jane will buy the present. A compound verb is more than one verb relating to the same subject and usually sharing the same object. Ex. Emily enjoys reading and writing poetry. A compound predicate is more than one predicate relating to the same subject. Each verb has its own object. Ex. Emily enjoys reading stories and writing poetry.

9 Ex. Compound subject and verb After fighting, Tom and Jerry / always kissed and made up.

10 Complements 1) Subject Complements Predicate Nominative Predicate Adjective 2) Verb Complements Direct / Indirect Object Objective Complement

11 Subject Complements... Come in the predicate side of the sentence and modify the subject. Predicate Nominative: ex. He is a student. Predicate Adjective: ex. He is smart.

12 Verb Complements... Direct object: Answers who? Or what? Indirect object: Answers to/for whom? Or to/for what? ex. Omar gave his mother a gift.

13 Verb Complements... Objective Complement Modifies the direct object. It is only used with limited verbs. ex. The school elected Mohsen class president.

14 Good Luck

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