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Bringing English Together

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Presentation on theme: "Bringing English Together"— Presentation transcript:

1 Bringing English Together
The 8 Parts of Speech Bringing English Together

2 Why we need to know them:
They are the building blocks of English You’ve been seeing them every year, but this year we will go into a LOT more depth Different combinations of them are used to create effective writing

3 All 8… Noun Pronoun Verb Adjective Adverb Preposition Conjunction

4 Noun A person, place, thing, or idea Noun jobs:
Examples: Josiah went to the grocery store to buy candy for the party. Noun jobs: subject, direct object, indirect object, predicate nominative, object of the preposition

5 Pronoun A word that takes the place of a noun
Mr. Smith went to the store because he needed bread.

6 Verb A word that shows action or state of being
Action verb vs. linking verb

7 Adjective A word that modifies a noun or pronoun

8 Adverb A word that modifies a verb, adjective, or other adverb

9 Preposition A word that shows the relationship between a noun or pronoun and another word Job: Convey information about location, time, direction or relationship Location: They are in the house. Time: I can go after school. Direction: I walked toward my house. Relationship: I bought a present for my friend.

10 Conjunction A word that connects two words, phrases, or clauses
The students and teachers work hard.

11 Interjection A word that shows strong emotion or feeling
A word that interrupts a thought

12 Summary

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