SW Asia Review Game 1 st 9-Weeks 7 th Grade Social Studies.


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Presentation transcript:

SW Asia Review Game 1 st 9-Weeks 7 th Grade Social Studies

Why is it important for nations to have a system to convert from one currency to another? Converting to different currencies makes it possible to buy & sell goods between nations with different types of money.

Why do most countries in the Middle East & the world operate somewhere in between a market economy & a command economy? Most countries have found they need a mix of free market & govt. control to be successful & to protect consumers.

Countries that invest heavily in technology, factories, and machinery can expect what kind of impact on their economy? A much higher standard of living.

What group is OPEC interested in protecting? The nations that export oil AND are members of OPEC (mainly the Middle East countries)

What was one reason that Israel was established in 1948? Holocaust/Zionism/Anti- Semitism

What is the difference between a religious group and an ethnic group? A religious group shares the same religious beliefs. An ethnic group share a common culture.

What impact might wars and unrest in the Middle East have on the rest of the world? Many countries depend on oil imported from the M.E. Wars could interfere with oil production/supplies, etc.

Of Israel, Saudi Arabia, and Iran, which country does NOT rely on oil production for economic purposes? ISRAEL.

What form of government does Saudi Arabia have? Absolute Monarchy

In 1973, countries in the Middle East stopped exporting oil to the U.S. in protest against US support of Israel. Such a strategy is an example of an ____. embargo

What is the most powerful elected official in Iran? President

The total amount of goods and services produced in a country in one year is known as the _____. GDP (Gross Domestic Product)

Which of these countries in the Middle East has a Democracy which provides the most political freedom? Turkey, Saudi Arabia, Israel, or Iran Israel

Why did the US bomb & invade Afghanistan in 2001? They believed the government was offering safety to Al-Qaeda, the organization that attacked the US on 9/11/01.

What is OPEC? An organization that monitors oil supply/demand in order to control the price of oil, & protects the interests of member nations. Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries

What is the name of this country? Israel

What religion do most Arabs, Persians & Kurds practice in SW Asia? Islam

What is the name of this country? Iraq


How did the Palestinians view the Jewish settlement of the West Bank in Israel? The viewed it as the Jews taking their land.

What world organization created the new state of Israel in 1948, as a homeland for the Jews? The United Nations

Which Middle East country is a Theocratic Republic? Iran

What is the name of this country? Afghanistan

What was the international movement that called for the establishment of a Jewish national or religious community in the land of Palestine?? Zionism

What impact does specialization have on the economic development of a country? It allows a country to concentrate on the skills and resources that are available.

The Strait of Hormuz What narrow strait connects the Arabian Sea to the Persian Gulf & is vital to trading oil throughout the world?

What are the Five Pillars of Faith of Islam? Five Pillars of Faith of Islam? 1.Belief in 1 god, Allah, and Muhammad is his messenger 2.Pray 5 times a day facing Mecca 3.Donate to Charity 4.Fast during the holy month of Ramadan 5.Take a hajj to Mecca at least once

Muhammad was forced to leave Mecca for Medina in 622 AD/CE. In what present day country is Mecca found? Saudi Arabia

Why have the Tigris & Euphrates Rivers been a source of conflict for many years? They make up most of the water supply for Iraq, Turkey, & parts of Syria.

What modern day country is the home to those who call themselves Persians? Iran

What is the name of this country? Saudi Arabia

In general, countries with high literacy rates have.... Strong economies with a high GDP

What is the most dominant ethnic group in the Middle East? Arabs

Turkey has a mixed economy, which is mostly: Market

In , the US sent troops to the Middle East to free which country? Kuwait

Why is Iran referred to as a theocratic republic? It has both an elected parliament & a powerful religious leader which control the government. It is an Islamic Republic.

What is the name of this body of water? The Mediterranean Sea

If a country does NOT invest in its human capital, how can it affect the country’s gross domestic product? GDP may go down because poorly trained workers will not be able to do their jobs well.

If a country is really good at developing a product, what economic term are they demonstrating? Specialization

A country who has a government run by a religion is referred to as a _____. Theocracy

What are the Arabs and Israelis arguing over? L A N D

What led to the split between the Shia and Sunni Muslims? They disagree over the qualifications of the leader after the death of Muhammad.

What started the Persian Gulf War in 1991? Iraq invaded Kuwait (Saddam Hussein)

Countries and businesses need to ask themselves what 3 important economic questions? 1.What to produce? 2.How to produce? 3.For whom to produce?

Where do most people in the Middle East tend to live? Near Water Especially Rivers.

Israel’s economy tends to lean more towards what type of economic system? Market

What kind of economic system does Saudi Arabia have? Mixed...mostly Market

What country in the Middle East has the most progressive & successful economy? Israel

What natural resource is responsible for the wealth of many ME countries? OIL

Whom do Christians believe is the Messiah? Jesus

What impact did the breakup of the Ottoman Empire have on SW Asia? The land was randomly divided up by the Europeans.

What concept do all three of the major Middle Eastern Religions share? They are all monotheistic

Which river in the ME causes the most conflicts between the Arabs & Israelis? The Jordan River

How could a country that has numerous tariffs in place open their country to more trade? They should reduce or eliminate their tariffs on all imported items.

What event marked the end of the Ottoman Empire? World War I

Since Israel elects its leader, what form of government does it have? Representative Democracy

What are water rights? Laws that determine who may use (has the rights to) the water in a given region

Iran became a ___ ___ in 1979, when the head of state became an Ayatollah. Theocratic Republic

What form of government does Saudi Arabia currently have? An Absolute Monarchy

What process is used by countries in the ME to obtain fresh water? desalinization

Which ethnic group lives in several ME countries including Turkey, Iran, and Iraq? The Kurds

What economic role or activity are ALL people involved, regardless of their country’s economic system? Consuming

What is true of women’s rights in Saudi Arabia? They have limited rights.

What event sparked the Persian Gulf War (Operation Desert Storm)? Saddam Hussein of Iraq, invaded Kuwait.

Which country in the ME has the world’s largest oil reserves? Saudi Arabia

What is a result of trade? Specialization and interdependence.

What did the establishment of Israel lead to? The forced relocation of the Palestinian Arabs.

With what religion is Muhammad associated? ISLAM

With what religion is Jesus associated? CHRISTIANITY

What was the result of the Balfour Declaration of 1917? It helped pave the way for the establishment of a Jewish homeland in Palestine.

Name the three (3) religious groups we have studied. The Jews The Christians The Muslims (The Shia & The Sunni)

Name the four ethnic groups we have learned about. The Kurds The Persians The Arabs The Jews

What caused the split in the Islam faith between the Sunni & the Shia? A disagreement over who should be their leader (caliph).

The Tigris and Euphrates Rivers run through which country? Iraq

The Suez Canal is linked together by what two bodies of water? Mediterranean Sea & Red Sea

What is the name of this body of water? Persian Gulf

What basic belief made Christianity different from Judaism? That the Messiah, or Jesus, already came to Earth

In which country is the Gaza Strip located? Israel

Which would best describe Zionism? Anti-Semitism, Jewish Nationalism, Arab Nationalism, or Jewish desire for expansion into Syria Jewish Nationalism

What are the specializations of Israel, Saudi Arabia, and Turkey? Israel: Technology and service Saudi Arabia: Oil Turkey: Agriculture

Who decided what the boundaries of the new countries in the Middle East would be after the break up of the Ottoman Empire? European Leaders (Governments)

What is the name of this country? Afghanistan


Usually, countries with a high literacy rate also have a high_____________. Standard of Living

What does polytheism mean? The belief in many gods (more than one god).

The establishment of Israel led to the forced relocation of what group of people? The Palestinian Arabs