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1st Semester Exam Study Guide

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1 1st Semester Exam Study Guide
SW Asia (Middle East) 1st Semester Exam Study Guide

2 #1 Geographically speaking, which country lies between Iraq and Afghanistan?

3 Iran lies between Iraq and Afghanistan.
ANSWER Iran lies between Iraq and Afghanistan.

4 The Suez Canal connects what two major bodies of water?
#2 The Suez Canal connects what two major bodies of water?

5 The Suez Canal connects the Mediterranean and the Red Seas.
ANSWER The Suez Canal connects the Mediterranean and the Red Seas.

6 #3 The process of removing salt from salt water in order to make it suitable for farming and drinking is known as…

7 Desalination removes salt from salt water
ANSWER Desalination removes salt from salt water

8 #4 Disputes over what natural resources are problematic for many Middle East countries?

9 Disputes over water and oil
ANSWER Disputes over water and oil

10 #5 In dry climate countries like Afghanistan and Iran, how would farmers water crops?

11 Irrigation is a way for farmers to water crops
ANSWER Irrigation is a way for farmers to water crops

12 #6 Although it has significant oil and natural gas resources, a major international issue surrounding Iran in the first decade of the 21st century has been its attempt to develop…

13 Iran has caused problems by developing nuclear weapons
ANSWER Iran has caused problems by developing nuclear weapons

14 #7 A major environmental issue facing the countries of the Middle East is the pollution of the…

15 Water and water sources
ANSWER Water and water sources

16 The majority of Saudi Arabia is covered in what landform?
#8 The majority of Saudi Arabia is covered in what landform?

17 Saudi Arabia is covered by deserts
ANSWER Saudi Arabia is covered by deserts

18 #9 What non-renewable natural resource has contributed to the growth of the Middle East?

19 Oil has contributed to the growth of Middle East countries.
ANSWER Oil has contributed to the growth of Middle East countries.

20 #10 Because of its location over some of the world’s largest oil deposits, which nation’s income rose dramatically during the 20th century?

21 Saudi Arabia has seen huge growth in the 20th century
ANSWER Saudi Arabia has seen huge growth in the 20th century

22 #11 The climate of the Middle East has led much of the region to experience a scarcity of…

23 Water is very scarce in the SW ASIA
ANSWER Water is very scarce in the SW ASIA

24 #12 Which of the following attribute would be shared within an ethnic group? (AC: Three attributes)

25 Ethnic groups share, history, culture, language and beliefs
ANSWER Ethnic groups share, history, culture, language and beliefs

26 Which religion do most people in Southwest Asia practice?
#13 Which religion do most people in Southwest Asia practice?

27 Islam is most widely practiced religion (AC: Sunni Islam)
ANSWER Islam is most widely practiced religion (AC: Sunni Islam)

28 Who make up the largest minority ethnic group in Turkey?
#14 Who make up the largest minority ethnic group in Turkey?

29 ANSWER Kurds

30 #15 The Islamic religion is divided between the Sunni and _________ Muslims.

31 ANSWER Shia Muslims

32 The oldest of the prominent religions of the Middle East is…
#16 The oldest of the prominent religions of the Middle East is…

33 Oldest religion is Judaism
ANSWER Oldest religion is Judaism

34 #17 The Torah, which contains the Mosaic Law, is most often used in which religion?

35 ANSWER Judaism uses the Torah

36 The Gospels tell the story of what prophet?
#18 The Gospels tell the story of what prophet?

37 ANSWER Jesus Christ

38 After which war did the Ottoman Empire officially come to an end?
#19 After which war did the Ottoman Empire officially come to an end?


40 #20 What effects did the collapse of the Ottoman Empire have on its former territories?

41 ANSWER It was divided by British Politicians who cared nothing for ethnic or religious groups (AC: called partitioning)

42 #21 Prejudice against Jews ranging from apathy to extreme hatred and persecution is called ______.

43 ANSWER Anti- Semitism

44 Which Middle Eastern city is holy to Jews, Christians, and Muslims?
#22 Which Middle Eastern city is holy to Jews, Christians, and Muslims?

45 ANSWER Jerusalem

46 Which ethnic groups would most likely practice Islam?
#23 Which ethnic groups would most likely practice Islam?

47 Kurds, Arabs, and Persians
ANSWER Kurds, Arabs, and Persians

48 AC only: What are the Five Pillars of Islam?
#24 AC only: What are the Five Pillars of Islam?

49 ANSWER 1. one god/Muhammad messenger 2. fast for Ramadan 3. pray 5 times to Mecca 4. take care of the poor 5. journey to Mecca.

50 #25 Identify two reasons for the shortage of water in the Middle East (AC: three reasons)

51 Water Pollution, desalination $$$, population growth, agriculture, war, etc.

52 #26 Throughout the Middle East, oil industry wealth has fueled a growing class between:

53 Answer Traditional Islamic values and Western materialism

54 #27 Which language is spoken by the: Kurds Arabs Persians Jews

55 Answer Kurdish Arabic Farsi/Persian Hebrew

56 #28 Identify the dominant religion (AC: be SPECIFIC) practiced by the following ethnic groups: Jews Kurds Persians Arabs

57 Answer Judaism Sunni Islam Shia Islam

58 #29 Define Oligarchy

59 Answer A form of government in which a small group of powerful people are the leaders (may have a lot of $$, land, and/or military power)

60 #30 How are economic decisions made in a market economy?

61 Answer Interaction of consumers, producers and law of supply and demand

62 #31 How are economic decisions made in a traditional economy?

63 Answer Custom and habit

64 #32 How are economic decisions made in a command economy?

65 Answer Government or centralized authority decides

66 What was the result of the Persian Gulf War?
#33 What was the result of the Persian Gulf War?

67 ANSWER Iraqi government had to withdraw troops and sign a truce, Hussein burned Kuwait’s oil fields p. 124 CRCT Prep Book

68 Which war was caused by a dispute over oil?
#34 Which war was caused by a dispute over oil?

69 ANSWER Persian Gulf War

70 #35 The __________ river forms the border between Israel, Jordan, and Palestinian Territories.

71 ANSWER Jordan River

72 Which religion(s) recognize Abraham as the father of their religion?
#36 Which religion(s) recognize Abraham as the father of their religion?

73 Christianity, Islam, and Judaism
ANSWER Christianity, Islam, and Judaism

74 #37 The mass imprisonment and slaughter of over six million European Jews during WWII is known as the________.

75 ANSWER Holocaust

76 Who is Osama bin Laden? (AC: which conflict was he involved in)?
#38 Who is Osama bin Laden? (AC: which conflict was he involved in)?

77 ANSWER A terrorist leader for al Qaeda (AC: Afghanistan Invasion/Operation Enduring Freedom)

78 Which of the following BEST describes Operation Iraqi Freedom?
#39 Which of the following BEST describes Operation Iraqi Freedom?

79 War over nuclear weapons
ANSWER War over nuclear weapons

80 #40 What is a monarchy?

81 ANSWER Rule by King

82 What form of government does Israel have?
#41 What form of government does Israel have?

83 Parliamentary Democracy
ANSWER Parliamentary Democracy

84 #42 What is a theocracy?

85 ANSWER A government in which God is seen as the true leader of the government and the country’s religious leaders serve as political leaders.

86 What form of government does Saudi Arabia have?
#43 What form of government does Saudi Arabia have?

87 Monarchy and oligarchy
ANSWER Monarchy and oligarchy

88 #44 What’s the difference between a confederation and a unitary form of government?

89 ANSWER Unitary the central has more power and local less, confederation local has more power and central less

90 #45 What are the two different types of democracies called? (AC: Explain how they are different from one another).

91 ANSWER Parliamentary Democracy: people vote for the legislature, who then vote for the leader (prime minister) Presidential Democracy: people vote directly for the leader (president)


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