Science Kindergarten.


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Presentation transcript:

Science Kindergarten

Unit A Life Science

What are living things? Living things grow and change. Chapter 1 Lesson 2 Living things grow and change. Plants and animals are living things. You are a living thing too.

How does air help plants and animals? Plants and animals need air to live. You need air too. Chapter 1 Lesson 3

How does water help plants and animals? Plants and animals need water to live. You need water too. Chapter 1 Lesson 4

How does food help plants and animals? Plants use sunlight to make food. Plants and animals need food to live. You need food too. Chapter 1 Lesson 5

Chapter 2 Growing and Changing

There’s an Egg in a Nest lyrics by Gerri Brioso & Richard Freitas/The Dovetail Group, Inc. Look, there’s an egg, And that egg is in a nest. Oh, what will happen? What will happen? Let’s all take a guess. It’s hatching! It’s hatching! Look, the egg is hatching. A little baby chick came out, Who’ll grow up big no doubt!

Butterfly First comes a Butterfly who lays an egg, Out comes a caterpillar with many legs, Oh see the caterpillar spin and spin, A little cocoon to sleep in. Oh, oh, oh look and see, Oh, oh, oh look and see. Out of the cocoon my oh my, Out comes a beautiful butterfly.

How do plants and animals grow and change? Build Background How do plants and animals grow and change? Build Background

How to Read Science Communicate Tell how plants are alike and different. Chapter 2 How to Read Science

Animals change as they grow. How do animals change? egg chick hen tadpole egg frog Animals change as they grow. Chapter 2 Lesson 1

Some animals run, fly, swim, crawl, and hop. How do animals move? Some animals run, fly, swim, crawl, and hop. Chapter 2 Lesson 2

How are these animals alike and different? The babies and parents look alike. The babies are smaller than their parents. Chapter 2 Lesson 3

What are the parts of a plant? Most plants have roots, stems, leaves, and flowers. Chapter 2 Lesson 4

Plants go through a life cycle. How do plants grow? seed seedling sunflower seedling seed Oak tree Plants go through a life cycle. Chapter 2 Lesson 5