2012 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION Are we moving forward or should we believe in America?


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Presentation transcript:

2012 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION Are we moving forward or should we believe in America?

Presidential Profile Intro 1. The candidate I am profiling is:_________________________________________ (1) 2. The political party this candidate represents is:_____________________________ (1) 3. What other political offices has this person had in his/her career? (1) 4. What prior political and leadership experience does this candidate have that makes him/her qualified to be the next president? (1) 5. What is this candidate’s point of view on major issues such as: (3) national security, healthcare, education, the economy, taxes, global warming, nuclear weapons, other topics of concern to me 6. Read a short biography about the candidate (1-5 pages) and summarize it. (2) 7. Other interesting information learned about the candidate (3) 8. Video of a candidate’s speech

Presentation Requirements Small group present their candidate profile project using PowerPoint. – Must have 17 slides (including the beginning and end slides) – Must have at least one picture per slide – If you have a vice presidential candidate you must explain how the candidate is valuable to the president. What does he offer to strengthen the person’s candidacy for president. – Must have at least one video of a speech this candidate had (get a clip, no longer than 5 minutes.) Must include 4 questions you are going to ask the students before, after or during the video