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Presentation on theme: "$$$SHOW ME THE MONEY!$$$"— Presentation transcript:

Running for president costs big $$$ You need: A Campaign Manager Media (radio, TV, internet, newspapers) Pamphlets Presidential Election cost: $1.9 billion dollars 2004 $2.8 billion dollars 2008 $2.6 billion dollars 2012

2 Total $ Raised and Spent in 2016 Presidential Election
Hillary Clinton (D) Donald Trump (R) Raised $794,875,608 $408,396,207 Spent $793,548,237 $397,650,143 Debts $183 $0 Cash (on Hand) $1,327,372 $10,746,063 Overall Spending BLUE TEAM $1.19 billion RED TEAM $646 million

3 Why do People Give? Political participation Believe in party
Something in return (quid pro quo) Appointments to public office

4 Central Idea

5 The Same Could Apply to Presidential Candidates…

6 Task: Who finances candidates?
Go to Object to advertise on (example; draw a picture of a shirt, water bottle, jacket etc & put information below on drawing Pick a politician/ candidate- write party & state List at least 3 ideologies of the politician How much did they raise Top 10 donors/ contributors (if doing this by yourself choose 4) How much did they give State industry or interest Draw the logo or a symbol by each group

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