Created by : Paochoua Her, Ta’Quan Summerall and Jared Schmidt
The Civil Rights Movement was a very important part of history. It started in 1948 and ended in The March on Washington was a very big part of the Civil Rights Movement. Many people died marching to give blacks equal rights.
It took place on August 28, 1963 at dawn
In Washington D.C. From the Washington Monument to the Lincoln Memorial
Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. James Farmer John Wilkins Whitney Young Jr.
They marched for elimination of racial segregation in public schools Protection against police brutality A major public works program to provide jobs A law against discrimination in hiring A $2 an hour minimum wage Self Government for the District of Columbia, which had a black majority
About 250,000 people attended This is where Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. gave his famous “I Have a Dream” speech. A quarter of the people who attended were white.
Dr. King and other civil rights leaders met with President John F. Kennedy and he promised to support the Civil Rights Bill. Those involved with the movement earned a great deal of respect across this nation and around the world.