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Civil Rights.

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1 Civil Rights

2 Standards SS5H8 The student will describe the importance of key people, events, and developments between b. Explain the key events and people of the Civil Rights movement; include Brown v. Board of Education (1954), Montgomery Bus Boycott, the March on Washington, Civil Rights Act, Voting Rights Act, and civil rights activities of Thurgood Marshall, Rosa Parks, and Martin Luther King, Jr. c. Describe the impact on American society of the assassinations of President John F. Kennedy, Robert F. Kennedy, and Martin Luther King, Jr.

3 The Movement Begins In the 1950s, the US Supreme Court made decisions that helped to secure the rights of African Americans. Civil Rights are the rights a country guarantees to its citizens.

4 School Segregation Ends
Segregation is when you are separated by race. In 1954, the parents of Linda Brown went to court against the Board of Education in Topeka Kansas. Lawyer Thurgood Marshall brought the case to the Supreme Court. All schools were desegregated.

5 Montgomery Bus Boycott
In 1955, Montgomery buses were still segregated. Rosa Parks made history when she refused to give up her seat and go to the back of the bus. She was arrested. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. led a boycott of the Montgomery bus system. This was a non violent protest.

6 Civil Rights Victories
In the 1950s and 1960s, many African Americans began to fight for their civil rights. After segregation of buses became illegal, many citizens participated in freedom rights to test this new law. Martin Luther King Jr. was arrested in Birmingham, AL for leading protests.

7 The March on Washington
In 1963, Congress was discussing a bill to end segregation. To show support for the bill, Dr. King organized a protest march in Washington, D.C. At this walk, in front of over 200,000 people Dr. King gave his famous “I have a Dream Speech”.

8 Goal Achieved In 1964, President Lyndon Johnson passed the Civil Rights Act of 1964. This law banned segregation in schools, workplaces, and public places.

9 Do Now... Read Lesson Summary on Pg. 411 and do Pg. 411 #3-6

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