Japanese Affairs Presentation 王雯 05951011. Do You Want To Go Abroad ?


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Presentation transcript:

Japanese Affairs Presentation 王雯

Do You Want To Go Abroad ?

In China, many students want to go abroad. Many of them want to study abroad, some of them want to work abroad, some of them want to travel, some of them want to emigrate. Many of students want to improve themselves, want to master a foreign language well. They think that one who has the experiences of studying abroad can get a good job after graduation.

I want to know the opinions of Japanese students about going abroad.

All the people from Saga University Total 21 Boys 12 Girls 9

アンケート あなたは外国へ行きたいですか? 男の子( ) 女の子( ) 1.あなたは外国へ行きたいですか? はい() いいえ() 2.外国へ行けるなら、何をしたいですか?(いくつでも) 留学() 旅行() 仕事() 移住() 親戚や友人を訪ねる() 結婚する相手を探す() その他:詳しく______ 3.なぜ外国へ行きのたいですか?(いくつでも) 憧れるから() 自己を高めるため() 文化を知るため()お金を嫁せぐため() その他:詳しく______ 4.外国に行くとしたら、どやってそのお金を得ますか?(いくつでも) 奨学金() アルバイト() ローン() 両親から() 貯金から() その他:詳しく______

Questionnaire Do you want to go abroad? Yes 20 No 1

What do you want to do if you had an opportunity to go abroad (multichoice ) Traveling 15 Studying abroad 6 Emigration 3 Visiting family members and friends 3 Working 2 Finding lovely girls or handsome boys 1

Why do you want to go abroad ? (multichoice) Interested in culture 12 Longing for 7 Improving oneself 7 Earning money 0 Others For fun 2 Eating 1 Knowing new things 1

How could you get the money if you went abroad ? (multichoice) Part-time job 19 From saving 10 From parents 3 Scholarship 2 Loan 0

Summary Based on the the results of the questionnaire, we can know that most of the Japanese students want to go abroad. Although many Japanese students want to go abroad, most of them just want to travel rather than study abroad.

A great part of students who want to go abroad only because that they are interested in the culture or they expect to go. For fun, even for eating. There are not many students going abroad for improving themselves or studying. Because of above-mentioned reasons, the students who feel like to go abroad don’t need much money, they just take some part-time jobs or use the saving of work to cater for their pleasures.

Conclusion Japanese students also want to go abroad, but most of them are just for fun. There are not many students want to study abroad. Maybe because that Japan is a developed country, the students don’t think studying from foreign countries is very important. For example, English studying is not so popular in Japan. Anyway, as a young people, more attempts should be encouraged.

Thank you ! Thank you!