 Lesson Title: What is Slavery?  Objective:  I will know (knowledge): How slavery came to the American colonies and what it looked like for all the.


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Presentation transcript:

 Lesson Title: What is Slavery?  Objective:  I will know (knowledge): How slavery came to the American colonies and what it looked like for all the people involved  I will be able to (skill): 1.) Examine an eighteenth – century image and list inferences about the physical and emotional impact of being enslaved. 2.) Describe one aspect of the trans – Atlantic slave trade and the impact it had on people who were part of it.

 Lesson Title: Journey to America  Objective:  I will know (knowledge): How slavery came to the American colonies and what it looked like for all the people involved  I will be able to (skill): Describe three aspects of the trans – Atlantic slave trade and the impact it had on people who were part of it.

 Lesson Title: Life of a Slave  Objective:  I will know (knowledge): What life was like for the slaves in the thirteen colonies.  I will be able to (skill): 1.) describe the differences between slavery in the Northern Colonies and the Southern Colonies. 2.) Describe life on the plantations of the south.

 Lesson Title: Music and Stories of the Slaves  Objective:  I will know (knowledge): why slave work songs were an important daily part of the slaves lives.  I will be able to (skill): interpret the meanings of the songs. Meanings could be: to entertain while working or to talk about their masters. Picture is linked to website needed for anticipatory set

 Lesson Title: Culminating Activity for Slavery in the Colonies  Objectives:  I will know (knowledge): How slavery came to the American colonies and what it looked like for all the people involved  I will be able to (skill): describe aspects of slavery through writing and pictures that impacted me the most.