Laboratoire d’Annecy-le-vieux de Physique des Particules, France Cyril Drancourt Tuesday 3 June 2003 Common L1 Workshop Use in Calorimeter Old design with.


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Presentation transcript:

Laboratoire d’Annecy-le-vieux de Physique des Particules, France Cyril Drancourt Tuesday 3 June 2003 Common L1 Workshop Use in Calorimeter Old design with CROP board New design with Common L1 board Quantity of boards Inputs occupation Cost Data flow and formats Status Actual job  What information we need to continue

Cyril Tuesday 3 June 2003Common L1 workshop2 Calorimeters: 4 detectors, 16 areas  We don’t mix electronic between 2 differents areas Hcal right: 2 granularity (possible mix) Hcal left: 2 granularity (possible mix) Ecal right: 3 granularity Ecal left: 3 granularity SPD/PS right: 3 granularity SPD/PS left: 3 granularity Total = 16 areas

Cyril Tuesday 3 June 2003Common L1 workshop3 Calorimeters: Old design with CROP board 26 FEE Crate CROP Board FEE Crate (with 16max FEE modules inside) Config C (4) Config B (8) Config A (2) 26 Optic link (mono-fiber) 14 CROP board CROC board with L1 buffer  SPD/PS  ECAL, HCAL, SPD/PS  ECAL

Cyril Tuesday 3 June 2003Common L1 workshop4 Calorimeters: new design with Common L1 board (1) FEE Crate (with more than 12 FEE modules inside) CROC board without L1 buffer Config A (8) Config B (4) Config C (2) FEE Crate (with less than 12 FEE modules inside) Optic link (rubbon:12fiber) Common L1 board  HCAL, SPD/PS HCALSPD/PS  HCAL, SPD/PS HCALSPD/PS  ECAL ECAL

Cyril Tuesday 3 June 2003Common L1 workshop5 Calorimeters: new design with Common L1 board (2) FEE Crate (with 16 FEE modules inside) Duplication signal inside CROC to insure overlap in « Common L1 board » Config D (2) Config E (2) Optic patch-panel  ECAL ECAL  ECAL ECAL Common L1 board

Cyril Tuesday 3 June 2003Common L1 workshop6 Calorimeters: Quantity of Common L1 board  26 crate_FE  FE_ board unchanged  New design for CROC board  60 optical link (rubbon with 12 fiber)  44 long links (100m)  16 small links (10m)  4 optical patch-panels  22 Common L1 boards with optic mezzanine (O-Rx Card)  2 boards receive 24 fiber inputs (2 full mezzanines )  4 boards receive 22 fiber inputs (1 full mezzanine, 1 mezzanine with 2NC )  2 boards receive 16 fiber inputs (1 full mezzanine, 1 mezzanine with 8NC )  10 boards receive 14 fiber inputs (1 full mezzanine, 1 mezzanine with 10NC )  4 boards receive 12 fiber inputs (1 full mezzanine ) NC: Not Connected = unused fiber input

Cyril Tuesday 3 June 2003Common L1 workshop7 Calorimeters: Cost estimation  82 KFCH added

Cyril Tuesday 3 June 2003Common L1 workshop8 Calorimeters: Dataflow Crates ECAL Left Crates NC 8 NC 7 2 common L1 board Analog Data before L0 (32 detector cells) Digital Data in L0 pipeline (in Front_End board) Data after L0 accept Front-End Crate Data after L1 accept Data after L1 processing, for the DAQ Optic patch-panel Detector example

Cyril Tuesday 3 June 2003Common L1 workshop9 Calorimeters: Data format Digital Data in L0 pipeline (in Front_End board) Data after L0 accept Data after L1 processing, for the DAQ SPDPRSADC content (10bits)SPDPRSADC content Parity First cell Second cell or Parity Trigger (8bits)ADC value (12 bits) Header Data word 1 (21 bits) Data word 2 Data word 3 Data word 32 Trailer = parity of the 33 previous words Parity BX ID (10 bits )Event ID (10 bits) ECAL-HCAL: 21 bits SPD-Preshower: 21 bits ID of the first cellCluster length Energy in keV, first cell Energy in keV, second cell Energy in keV, third cell Energy in keV, last cell ID of the first cellCluster length Energy in keV, first cell Energy in keV, next cell First cluster Second cluster Energy Data (ECAL, HCAL and PreShower) FEE_pos 0 0 FEE_pos 0 1 FEE_pos bits Position identificator: - 4 bits = FEE_board number - 5 bits = FEE_crate number

Cyril Tuesday 3 June 2003Common L1 workshop10 Calorimeters: Our job in Common L1 board Data synchronisation with Local 80Mhz Header research BXID control Output with 40Mhz Nothing (we don’t use L1 output) Clustering: ECAL neighbours ADC data treatment Trigger data treatment Formating to DAQ Parity error detection L0-ID consistency. BX-ID continuity. Build the event status Zero suppression Format data for clustering Mezzanine_test: new board to help functions verifications in common L1 board

Cyril Tuesday 3 June 2003Common L1 workshop11 Calorimeters: Status with Common L1 board  PP-FPGA VHDL developpment in progress… (Nicolas Dumont-Dayot)  We need:  O-Rx card output specifications (TLK2501 mode used, decoding format),  L1 buffer acces (I.P. L1B_Ctrl code, user documentation),  ECS acces (code, user documentation),  TTC signal provided by SyncLInk-FPGA documentation,  Pinout of FPGA,  FPGA and Quartus ressources (free area, signals probe reserved).  SyncLink-FPGA Verilog developpment in progress… (Daniel Boget)  We need:  ECS acces (code, documentation),  Interface user to transmit data for DAQ (FIFO interface specification),  Pinout of FPGA,  FPGA and Quartus ressource (free area, signals probe reserved).  Mezzanine: Test card Design in progress: talk this afternoon (Nicolas Letendre)

Cyril Tuesday 3 June 2003Common L1 workshop12

Cyril Tuesday 3 June 2003Common L1 workshop13

Cyril Tuesday 3 June 2003Common L1 workshop Crates 2 Crate 3 Crates 5 Crate ECAL Left Crates Crates Duplication of FE8 output in the CROC Crate NC 8 NC NC Patch-panel: 44 fibers Patch-panel: 30 fibers Common L1 board 6 Config D Config E Config C ECAL: fiber between CROC and common L1 board 1 Duplication of FE8 output in the CROC 1 Duplication of FE8 output in the CROC 1 Duplication of FE8 output in the CROC

Cyril Tuesday 3 June 2003Common L1 workshop15 HCAL Left NC Crate Crate Config B Config A HCAL: fiber between CROC and common L1 board

Cyril Tuesday 3 June 2003Common L1 workshop16 Crates PreShower + SPD Left NC Crates Crates Crates NC 2 2 Config A Config B PreShower+SPD : fiber between CROC and common L1 board

Cyril Tuesday 3 June 2003Common L1 workshop17 CROC fiber output (ECAL, HCAL, PreShower+SPD) Crate FEE :FE3,FE4,FE5,FE6,FE7,FE8,FE9,FE10,FE11,FE12,FE13,FE14 :FE1,FE2,FE15,FE16,duplicationFE8,nc,nc,nc,nc,nc,nc,nc  the CROC board output is with 2 rubbons.  Each rubbon has 12 optic fibers.  Each fiber is for one fix FEE board. CROC FE1 FE16 7 fibers N.C.

Cyril Tuesday 3 June 2003Common L1 workshop18 O-RxCard for 12 fibers Last schematic (common L1 board)