Date: Sept. 7, 2011 Time: 9am PDT Call in number: 712-432-0900 Participant code: 654570 # 1.


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Presentation transcript:

Date: Sept. 7, 2011 Time: 9am PDT Call in number: Participant code: # 1

2  Welcome – Larry Barrett, moderator ◦ Review general agenda ◦ Roll call of participants ◦ History and purpose of Alliance and Committee  Self-introductions by participants (1 minute each)  Purpose of Subcommittee – moderator; comments - all  Process for identification of task deliverables - moderator; comments - all  Committee governance plans – moderator; comments – all ◦ Officers ◦ Staff support  Next steps ◦ Meeting date options ◦ Interim activities

 Strategy 3-2: Accelerate activities related to HVAC aspects of whole building industry design standards  Near-term Milestone: Evaluate and update existing standards to include increased emphasis on HVAC aspects of whole building approaches  Key actions: ◦ Inventory existing whole building industry standards (Q3, 2011) ◦ Assess the role of HVAC aspects of whole building approaches (Q3) ◦ Identify gaps and opportunities to advance HVAC aspects (Q4) ◦ Approach key industry groups to change standards and elevate HVAC aspects (Q1, 2012) 3

Initial list of tasks via brainstorming (~24) Initial priorities via voting (~12) Top priorities via voting (~4) 4

1. Identify action plan task deliverables  Initial brainstorming today  Subsequent brainstorming off-line 2. Collating suggestions for task deliverables 3. Submission of suggestions to committee members for initial priorities 4. Tabulate results to come up with initial priorities 5. Submit initial priorities to subcommittee for selection of top priorities 6. Subcommittee participants select the top third for the second prioritization 7. Submit top priorities to subcommittee prior to next meeting 8. Discuss at next committee meeting 9. Develop work groups around each of the top choices 5

 Results from June 14 kick-off meeting of full Committee 1.Review for internally conflicting design standards 2.Develop criteria for successful business model for contractors 3.Identify target audiences for design standards 4.Identify organizations with whole building design standards 5.Suggest roles for Alliance to interact with design standard organizations 6.How to sell whole building design standards to target audiences 7.Tabulate differences between whole building design standards for new versus existing residential buildings 8.Identify health issues with HVAC in whole building design stds 9.Acquire statistics on practice of HVAC in whole building design 10.Compare whole building design between residential and commercial and which is more important to pursue  Other topics and deliverables? (All)  Send in other ideas off line (All) 6

 Initial list of criteria to prioritize task deliverables 1.Topic can be addressed in reasonable time (3 – 6 months) 2.Impact of task on key actions and milestones 3.Deliverable can be documented (report, letter, memo, list, file, statistics, standards) 4.Provide variety of tasks, yet balance between tasks 5.Committee members contain relevant expertise in task or can recruit expertise 6.Task can be addressed by working groups with minimal use of staff of Western HVAC Performance Alliance 7.Can be a learning experience for committee members 8.Committees members can have some fun  Other criteria to be considered in prioritization? 7

1. Send suggested task deliverables to  Refine those already presented  Include a sentence or two to describe the topic, if needed 2. Moderator will collate and remove duplicate suggestions 3. Moderator will send the list to subcommittee 4. Subcommittee members will select the top third (e.g. if 24 topics presented, will select top 8) 5. Members send initial priority selections to moderator 6. Moderator will tabulate results 7. Moderator will send to committee the top priorities or half of the initial list (e.g. if 24 initial topics, send out top 12) 8. Subcommittee members will select top third (e.g. 4 of 12) 9. Members send selections to moderator 10. Moderator tabulates results and sends to committee 8

 Welcome by moderator ◦ Roll call of participants ◦ History and purpose of Alliance and Committee ◦ Purpose and history of Subcommittee  Self-introductions by participants (1/2 minute each)  Results of prioritization on task deliverables ◦ Review of process and results by moderator ◦ Discussion and consensus by committee  Next steps ◦ Ask committee members to submit off-line their preferences to be on which working groups – 1 st choice, 2 nd, 3 rd ◦ Governance: submit off-line suggestions for subcommittee chair, vice chair and secretary ◦ Guest speakers: submit off line suggestions for future meetings 9

 Welcome by moderator ◦ Roll call of participants ◦ History and purpose of Alliance and Committee ◦ Purpose and history of Subcommittee  Self-introductions by participants (1/2 minute each)  Assignment of chair, vice chair and secretary  Assignments to work groups  Discussion  Schedule for future meetings  Presentation by a committee member or outside expert  Next steps ◦ Work groups meet independently and report at next subcommittee meeting on plans ◦ Staff works with committee officers on agendas and speakers 10