‘The Aarhus Lab’: Demonstrating MP4 innovations in Skejby: A ‘plan for place-keeping’ European Union European Regional Development Fund Cecil Konijnendijk.


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Presentation transcript:

‘The Aarhus Lab’: Demonstrating MP4 innovations in Skejby: A ‘plan for place-keeping’ European Union European Regional Development Fund Cecil Konijnendijk & Andrej Christian Lindholst, University of Copenhagen

Contributions to MP4 agenda Planning for place-keeping Demonstrating MP4 innovations: Make a ‘2030 plan for place-keeping’ based on MP4 pilots, case reviews, knowledge transfer, joint planning groups Contribution to: WP3 / 3.2: Apply, test and promote best practice for long-term improvement and stewardship of open spaces

Aarhus lab in Skejby Skejby district

Skejby: ‘Zooming in’ Hospital Visitors Employees Patients Education Students Employees Housing Residents Business Firms Employees Sports & commons Visitors / users Agriculture Farmers Rural Urban

Concept for engagement? (Model in park development program) Work group (Locally appointed representatives, Common local board, Park department) Focal groups (Business, institutions, agriculture, health, local communities) Local residents Managers from other municipal departments (Green forum) City council representatives

Visions Stakeholders and actors Background and principles Engagement and partnerships Themes and objectives Projects and Action plans Analyses / data PLACE-KEEPING SKEJBY 2030 Resources and frameworks Management and maintenance Draft elements in a 2030 plan for place-keeping in Skejby. Draft concept for place-keeping plan

Place-keeping plan challenges Usual suspects: How to engage? How to provide maintenance? How to provide finance? How to deal with management? How to (provide) value How to organize partnerships? HOW TO GO BEYOND THE STANDARD APPROACH!

1 Background and input Stakeholder analysis Strategic framework Knowledge transfer (MP4 models) Spring Processes Stakeholder engagement Joint Planning MP4 adaptations Summer/autumn Products Draft place-keeping plan 2030 Development projects Demonstration, local, national, international (MP4) Spring Implementation Political decisions Implementation of plan and projects Inspiration / demonstration for new planning processes Demonstration project: A 2030 plan for place-keeping in Skejby. Process overview (draft)

Current activities Exploratory meetings and excursion with city officials Series of workshops with local businesses, actors Providing inspiration and finding common ground From assessment to vision (+ future projects) Possible themes: –Sociotope mapping of business area –Joint place keeping (public-private) –Joint vision and branding –Agricultural theme (and education)

Contributions from MP4? Support from University of Copenhagen Allocate work hours for support in 2011 and 2012 Scope for support from other MP4 partners? For example staff exchange, joint planning workshops / events, review planning and place-keeping concept, e.g. review pilots and case studies for relevant best practice models De Werkplaats – style education activities