KEM LEY | Principal investigator NHIM DALEN |Consultant BORAY BORALIN | Data Analyst UMAKANT SINGH | Advisor CAMBODIA PEOPLE TRIBUNAL CPT-AFW 5 Feb 2011
I.Country Context II.Cambodia Economic Overview III.Garment Industry Contributions IV.Public Investment & Garment Factory V.Minimum Wage and Sustainable Development Relationship VI.Recommendations VII.References TABLE OF CONTENT
I. Country Context Cambodia Census 2008
I. Country Context CMDG1 Poverty Reduction and CMDG 7 Environmental Sustainability are Off Track
I. Country Context-CCA
Poverty Rate GIS-Province Year Banteay Meanchey Battambang Kampong Cham Kampong Chhnang Kampong Speu Kampong Thom Kampot Kandal Koh Kong Kracheh Mondul Kiri Phnom Penh Preah Vihear Prey Veng Pursat Ratanak Kiri Siem Reap Preah Sihanouk Stung Treng Svay Rieng Takeo Otdar Meanchey Kep Pailin I.Country Context-Poverty
I. Country Context CDHS 2010, 2,842,897 Households, 13,395,682 Population, Secondary Data Analysis, Dec12,2011
I. Country Context Core IndicatorsStatus Labor Forces or working age population (15-64 years olds)84%, 7.5M CSES % from self employment income (27% from wage and salary and 2% from transfer received and less than 1 % from others) CSES 2009 Expenditure (49% food, 19% Housing, Water, electricity, Fuel ), 10% health CSES 2009 Maternal Mortality Ratio per 100,000 live birth, CDHS Under 5 Child Mortality rate per 1000, CDHS % Under 5-Stunted, CDHS % Under 5-Underweighted, CDHS % Under 5-Wasted, CDHS %
I. Country Context CDHS 2010, Secondary Data analysis
II.Cambodia Economic Overview Source: Draft of National Budget Plan 2012 and Three year Rolling Investment Plan , RGC, MoEF Estimation NSDP
II.Cambodia Economic Overview CCA, 2009, UNDP Triple income per capita Over period (258, 830 $
II.Cambodia Economic Overview Source: Draft of National Budget Plan 2012 and Income statement 2010, Three years of Public Investment Plan and NSDP RGC, MoEF Estimation NSDP
II.Cambodia Economic Overview Source: Draft of National Budget Plan 2012 and Income statement 2010, Three years of Public Investment Plan and NDSP , MoP, RGC Estimation NSDP High Price of oil, food and other commodities
II.Cambodia Economic Overview Source: Draft of National Budget Plan 2012 and Income statement 2010, Three years of Public Investment Plan and NDSP , MoP, RGC COMPOSITION OF CAMBODIA ECONOMIC GROWTH Estimation Three Year –Public Investment Plan
III.GARMENT FACTORY CONTRIBUTION Source: Draft of National Budget Plan 2012 and Income statement 2010, Three years of Public Investment Plan and NDSP , MoP, RGC Estimation Three Year –Public Investment Plan
III.GARMENT FACTORY CONTRIBUTION Estimation Three Year –Public Investment Plan
IV.Public Investment & Garment Factory INVESTMENT IN JOB CONDITIONS IMPROVEMENT ????
Budget Estimation DPsRGCSub-total Available Fund 2,154 M$474 M$2,628 M$ Required Mobilization 1,361 M$ Total3,990M$ IV.Public Investment & Garment Factory
3,770 millions or 100% Urban 35.2%, Rural 64.80% IV.Public Investment & Garment Factory
Factory Workers >300,000 DU/IDU =15,000 Entertainment Workers: 32,000 Construction Workers : 40,000 Migrant Workers: 300,000 Other domestic workers Orphans Children HIV infected Children Disable Children Street Children Children in conflict with the law Sexually abused children Victims of Trafficking Children whose living in identified poor HH Children whose ling with chronically ill HH
Previous job of female entertainment workers in past year-BSS 2010, NCADS, MoH Types of Sexual Partners, of Moto taxi Drivers r-BSS 2010, NCADS, MoH NCHADS 2009, MoH
V.Minimum Wage and Sustainable Development Relationship CSES 2009, MoP Employed : All persons who worked at least one hour during the reference period, the past seven days, or had a job/economic activity from which they were temporary absent are employed. Unpaid family workers are included in employed.
V.Minimum Wage and Sustainable Development Relationship CSES 2009, MoP Income in US$ ___________________ Per HHPer Capita ________________ Cambodia9421 Phnom Penh30765 Other Urban15434 Other Rural7918 A. Salary B. Self employment 1. Income Agriculture 2. Income non agriculture 3. Income own house
V.Minimum Wage and Sustainable Development Relationship CSES 2009, MoP Consumption in US$ ___________________ Per HHPer Capita ________________ Cambodia27362 Phnom Penh Other Urban37986 Other Rural % on food, housing, water and electricity in Cambodia but 70% in PP and more than 60% in other urban and rural areas
V.Minimum Wage and Sustainable Development Relationship Buyers must put condition precedent-PC before purchasing
VI.Recommendations Arbitrary Councils Unions WTO & ASEAN Oversight Roles of Parliamentarians Mechanisms for greater Involvement Oversight Roles of Supreme Council for Cambodia Court
Resource Allocation from Investment Program- Rolling Plan VI.Recommendations
VII.References MoP, NSDP UNDP, CCA 2009 MoP, CMDG Report 2010 MoEF, Income statement 2010 MoEF, Draft Law of National Budget 2012 RGC, Three year-Public Investment Plan MoH, CDHS 2010 MoP, CSES 2009 Other national and international data sources Viewable Websites