“No one can make you feel inferior without your consent.” -Eleanor Roosevelt PAF 101 Module 2, Lecture 7.


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Presentation transcript:

“No one can make you feel inferior without your consent.” -Eleanor Roosevelt PAF 101 Module 2, Lecture 7

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Chapter 4 Exercises Take out your copy of the exercises and follow along

The Chancellor Wants to Know if dog Doo Doo is a problem on the QUAD CENSORED

EX. 4.1A Key Concepts of Sampling Target Population: The total specifically defined set of people about whom you want to gather information. Sampling Frame: A subset of the population to be surveyed Sample—those who respond Random: Each member of the target population has an equal chance of being in the sample Use the Maxwell Manual!

EX. 4.1B Player Answers Player MUST BE real Answers can be real or hypothetical Include the APA citation for “personal communication” whether real or hypothetical Watch out for attitudinal vs. factual

EX. 4.2 Methods of Contact Phone Face-to-Face Mail or Coplin

EX. 4.2B Is Your Sample Good? NumberPercent (%) NumberPercent (%) Lower Division Upper Division Total Target Population Sample

EX. 4.3 Estimating Sample Size Required contacts = Desired sample size Expected response rate For example, if you desire a sample size of 250, and you expect a response rate of 40%, the following formula shows that you would need to contact 625 individuals: 625 = Maxwell Manual pg

Explaining Confidence Interval Sample Size 95% Confidence Interval 30+/ / / / / / / / / /- 2

EX 4.3 Sample Size Hint Do NOT select a sample size of more than 2500 people!

EX. 4.4 Types of Questions Openvs.Closed

Topic for Workshop Meet in competition groups (same as TPE location) Kent Syverud is the client Design a survey to gather information on what SU undergraduates think about Syverud as a Chancellor of SU

Competition on Monday Meet in Competition Groups Complete exercise 4.1 A and B on the competition topic. Copy these exercises to a separate page and complete it on the topic mentioned in the previous slide. Type and print out for Monday or lose 5 points.

For Next Class Bring in completed printout of 4.1A and 4.1B Review Chapter 4 Read Exercises to work on in the competition Bring in the Maxwell Manual Meet in the same place you did for the TPE!