What is a meter? By Jamie Shin
What is a meter? Meter in poetry is the pattern of stressed and unstressed syllables. There are many meter patterns are: iambic, trochaic, dactylic, and anapestic (there will be more later on)
What is a foot? Each pair of unstressed and stressed syllables There are many different foot lengths: Monometer-One Foot Dimeter-Two Feet Trimeter-Three Feet Tetrameter- Four Feet Pentameter- Five Feet..Hexameter Six Feet..Heptameter Seven Feet..Octameter Eight Feet ddd
syllable patterns 1...Iamb (Iambic) Unstressed + Stressed Two Syllables...Trochee (Trochaic) Stressed + Unstressed Two Syllables
syllable patterns 2...Spondee (Spondaic) Stressed + Stressed Two Syllables...Anapest (Anapestic) Unstressed + Unstressed + Stressed Three Syllables
syllable patterns 3...Dactyl (Dactylic Stressed + Unstressed + Unstressed Three Syllables Catalexis- absence of an unstressed syllable
example 1 ShallI..|..comPARE..|..theeTO..|..aSUM..|..mer’ s DAY? this is an iambic pentameter- there are 5 feet, making it a penta (five) meter, and the syllable pattern is unstressed.. stressed, which makes it a iambic.
example 2 This is a trochaic tetrameter (4 trochees, 8 syllables) : Tell me | not in | mournful | numbers This is an anapestic trimeter (3 anapests, 9 syllables) :And the sound | of a voice | that is still This is a adactylic hexameter (6 dactyls, 17 syllables; a trochee replaces the last dactyl) :This is the | forest pri | meval, the | murmuring | pine and the | hemlocks