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Rhythm. Closed-form- Lines of poetry contain specific number of syllables measured by heavy stress (prime) or light stress (breve) Units of light and.

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Presentation on theme: "Rhythm. Closed-form- Lines of poetry contain specific number of syllables measured by heavy stress (prime) or light stress (breve) Units of light and."— Presentation transcript:

1 Rhythm

2 Closed-form- Lines of poetry contain specific number of syllables measured by heavy stress (prime) or light stress (breve) Units of light and heavy stresses = feet

3 Feet- Patterns of stressed and unstressed syllables The basic unit of meter is a foot. Most common feet in English poetry: Iamb  / Trochee/  Anapest   / Dactyl/   Spondee/ /

4 Analysis of poetic rhythm = prosody Repetition of feet in a line of poetry Monometer = one foot Dimeter = two feet Trimeter = three feet Tetrameter = four feet Pentameter = five feet *Turn to page 796.

5 Blank verse = five unrhymed iambic lines (iambic pentameter) Couplet = two rhyming lines identical in length and meter Tercet = three-line stanza, often all rhyming Quatrain = four-line stanza, most common

6 Sonnet = fourteen-line poem Italian (Petrarchan) = one octave, one sestet, usually abba,abba,cdc,cdc English (Shakespearean) = three quatrains, one couplet, sometimes abab,cdcd,efef,gg Villanelle = nineteen-line poem containing six tercets, rhymed aba, concluded by four lines – most difficult to write *Turn to page 820.

7 Does not rhyme, and does not have consistent meter Also called free verse Relies on content, assonance, alliteration, visual images Walt Whitman and Emily Dickinson were early open- form poets

8 The paper must be 800-1000 words. Choose FOUR poems from our book or any other resource. Draw a picture (or clip pictures from a magazine) that represents the poem. Analyze the poem. What is the subject of the poem? Scansion at least one stanza of the poem. What type of rhyme scheme is used? Is it consistent? Is there end rhyme? Internal rhyme? What type of meter is used? Show a line from the poem marked in metered feet. What other devices are being used? (alliteration, personification, monotony?) Give examples and explain. What else do you want to say about the poem?

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