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Meter Prose – words, phrases, sentences, paragraphs, chapters Poetry – syllables, feet, lines, stanzas, cantos Without the division of lines – no poem,

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Presentation on theme: "Meter Prose – words, phrases, sentences, paragraphs, chapters Poetry – syllables, feet, lines, stanzas, cantos Without the division of lines – no poem,"— Presentation transcript:


2 Meter Prose – words, phrases, sentences, paragraphs, chapters Poetry – syllables, feet, lines, stanzas, cantos Without the division of lines – no poem, without the meter – no music

3 Meter  Rhythm – pulse or beat we feel in a phrase of music or a poem. Sense of rhythm comes from everyday life and experiences with language and music  Meter – poetry’s rhythm or its pattern of stressed and unstressed syllables.  Poetic foot – is a measured unit of meter, made up of stressed and unstressed syllables

4 Lexical stress – dictionary stress Rhetorical stress – stress placed on a word for effect Metrical stress – expectation drives the stress, meter gets established Whose woods/ these are/ I think / I know

5 Type of metric foot accent/stress example  Iambic/ iamb  / today, balloon  Trochaic/ trochee /  happy, soda  Anapestic/ anapest  / obvious, contradict  Dactyllic/dactyl /  cigarette, maniac  Spondaic/spondee / / Downtown, manmade  Pyrrhic  of the 

6 Da dum  DA dum (FORest) = Trochee  DA DUM (RED CAT) = Spondee  da da DUM (like a WOLF) = Anapest  DA da DUM (CUT the FLESH) = Dactyl  da dum (and the) (-ing the) = Pyrrhic

7 meter  Duple – two syllable feet - - -IT  Triple – three syllable feet - - AD  Rising feet/ascending feet– iamb, anapest - - vowels  Falling/descending feet – trochee, dactyl - - - consonants  Substitute feet – spondee, pyrrhic  Amphibrach – a foot with unstressed, stressed, unstressed syllables  /  Chicago  Anacrusis – an extra unaccented syllable at the beginning of a line before the regular meter begins Mine by the right of the white election

8 Number of metric feet Type of Line  One footmonometer  Two feetdimeter  Three feettrimeter  Four feettetrameter  Five feetpentameter  Six feethexameter  Seven feetheptameter  Eight feetoctometer  Nine feetnonometer

9 meter  Amphimacer – a foot with stressed, unstressed, stressed syllables  /  / attitude  Catalexis – an extra unaccented syllable at the ending of a line after the regular meter ends (opposite of anacrusis)

10 Scansion – the analysis of these mechanical elements within a poem to determine meter. Feet are marked off with slashes / Bĕca ǘ se/ Ĭ co ǘ ld / nŏt stóp/ fŏr deáth

11 Can you figure out the number and type of feet?  Iambic pentameter_____________  Dactylic Trimeter _____________  Anapestic dimeter ______________  Spondaic monometer ______________  Trochaic tetrameter ______________

12 Examples  iambic pentameter (5 iambs, 10 syllables)  That time | of year | thou mayst | in me | behold  trochaic tetrameter (4 trochees, 8 syllables)  Tell me | not in | mournful | numbers  anapestic trimeter (3 anapests, 9 syllables)  And the sound | of a voice | that is still  dactylic hexameter (6 dactyls, 17 syllables; a trochee replaces the last dactyl)  This is the | forest pri | meval, the | murmuring | pine and the | hemlocks

13 Mixed Meter  There WAS..|..a TIME..|..when MEAD..|..ow, GROVE,..|..and STREAM, Iambic Pentameter .........1................2...............3................4.  The EARTH,..|..and EV..|..ry COM..|..mon SIGHT, Iambic Tetrameter .....1..............2  To ME..|..did SEEM Iambic Dimeter ......1..............2.............3...............4  Ap PAR..|..elled IN..|..cel EST..|..ial LIGHT, Iambic Tetrameter ........1..............2.................3................4.................5  The GLOR..|..y AND..|..the FRESH..|..ness OF..|..a DREAM. Iambic Pentameter ..1.............2.............3.............4..................5  It IS..|..not NOW..| IT..|..hath BEEN..|..of YORE; Iambic Pentameter ........1....................2.............3  Turn WHERE..| E'ER..|..I MAY, Iambic Trimeter .......1..............2  By NIGHT..|..or DAY, Iambic Dimeter ..........1...............2.................3................4................5..............6  The THINGS..|..which I..|..have SEEN..|..I NOW..|..can SEE..| MORE. Iambic Hexameter

14 Anapestic Tetrameter  From "The Destruction of Sennacherib," by George Gordon Lord Byron ........1.......................2..........................3......................4  The As SYR..|..ian came DOWN..| the WOLF..|..on the FOLD, ........1.......................2..........................3....................4  And his CO..|..horts were GLEAM..| in PUR..|..ple and GOLD; .........1.........................2.............................3.......................4  And the SHEEN..|..of their SPEARS..|..was like STARS..|..on the SEA

15 Trochaic Tetrameter From "The Tyger," by William Blake ....1.............2...............3.................4  TY ger..|..TY ger..|..BURN ning..|..BRIGHT  ....1...............2...............3............4  IN the..|..FOR..ests..|..OF the..|..NIGHT

16 Stanzas  Metric feet make up lines, which make up stanzas  Number of lines Type of Stanza  Two couplet  Three tercet  Four quatrain  Five cinquain  Six sestet  Seven septet  Eight octet/ octave  Ninex-line stanza

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