BEV The NMCA of Austria. 8 June 2006, ViennaBEV - NMCA of Austria EG/PCC G. Schennach Austria 8 Mio 83000 sqkm.


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Presentation transcript:

BEV The NMCA of Austria

8 June 2006, ViennaBEV - NMCA of Austria EG/PCC G. Schennach Austria 8 Mio sqkm

8 June 2006, ViennaBEV - NMCA of Austria EG/PCC G. Schennach Governmental structures Federal government 11 ministries EC Federal Level 9 state governments State Level 2359 Municipalities no legislation Federal government public agencies 9 state governments 2359 Municipalities no legislation Local

8 June 2006, ViennaBEV - NMCA of Austria EG/PCC G. Schennach  Federal level Laws regulating common administration cadastre, land registration, professional items, forestry, water data protection / data processing umbrella for state legislation / subsidiarity  State level 9 state laws regulating spatial planning building, land reforms  Municipalities no legislative bodies, only by-laws executive tasks for federal and state regulations Legislation in Austria

8 June 2006, ViennaBEV - NMCA of Austria EG/PCC G. Schennach President Offices Metrology Suveying Metrology Service Metrology Service Mechanics and Flow Mechanics and Flow Electricity and Radiation Electricity and Radiation Reference Data Teleworking Centres Teleworking Centres Cadastral Offices Metrological Offices Metrological Offices Remote Sensing Landscape Information Landscape Information Cartography Thematic Cadastre Legal affairs Personnel Information Technology Information Technology State borders International affairs State borders International affairs Marketing Financial issues Ministry of Economic affairs and Labour 1300 staff / 75 mio €

8 June 2006, ViennaBEV - NMCA of Austria EG/PCC G. Schennach Responsibilities  fundamental and legal metrology  provides the national standards for the legal units of measurement  maintains the cadastre of real estate of the entire territory of Austria  produces the topographic and cartographic infrastructure of the entire territory of Austria  provides ground related data for applications on GIS by remote sensing  topographic mapping and cartographic elaboration on different scales and thematic issues  produces aerial images for surveying and documentation  keeps an archive of aerial photographs with a stock of images  keeps an archive of historical maps and charts Bundesamt für Eich- und Vermessungswesen Federal Office for Metrology and Surveying

8 June 2006, ViennaBEV - NMCA of Austria EG/PCC G. Schennach  Background centralised system for reference data (maps, registers) well organised maintenance public/private applications strong PPP many administrative procedures linked to geographic data  Requirements new technologies / web solutions / services distributed data processing link datasets and systems reduce budget  e -government legislative framework GI in Austria

8 June 2006, ViennaBEV - NMCA of Austria EG/PCC G. Schennach  establish networks BEV in charge of co-ordination of federal level agencies  legal framework e-government law  lobbying Members of national parliament partners  co-ordination national co-ordination body started in autumn 2003 national advisory board for GI was to start in 2004  web-based solutions started 2002 / BEV e-geodata austria / e-Europe / INSPIRE Measures

8 June 2006, ViennaBEV - NMCA of Austria EG/PCC G. Schennach  co-ordination step-by-step involve local authorities and municipalities co-operation models/re-engineering of processes standards/technology internal and external information policy define contact points to EC  financial issues cost-regulation between levels pricing policy (PSI for G2B, G2G to be resolved) investment/revenue issues funding by state budget Burning issues

8 June 2006, ViennaBEV - NMCA of Austria EG/PCC G. Schennach Municipality Register of Addresses Address - GWR Online (Web-Client or XML) Geocoding and Checking with DKM and DOP GDB database of land units ZMR federal residence register u.a. (phone book) u.a. (Navigation service) Administration webservice/ASP Citizen webservice/ASP GWR building- and apartment register one update Prototype Address register

8 June 2006, ViennaBEV - NMCA of Austria EG/PCC G. Schennach  unified register with all addresses  each address - unambiguous key (address code)  geo-referenced  standard attributes is stored with a clear standardized model of data maintenance  full authenticity - each address is correctly updated by the competent and responsible institution, the municipality  wide availability - each address is updated and centrally serviced via Web-Services or ASP  expandable to further applications Prototype Address register

8 June 2006, ViennaBEV - NMCA of Austria EG/PCC G. Schennach Directive Proposal by DG Env April 2002 European Commission European Parliament Recommendation for 2. Reading European Parliament Recommendation for 2. Reading Council Acceptance 23 July 2004 Common statement 23 Jan 2006 Council Acceptance 23 July 2004 Common statement 23 Jan 2006 Co-decision Adoption Hearing Control Inquiry EU-Regulation directly applicable EU-Directive transpone into national law

8 June 2006, ViennaBEV - NMCA of Austria EG/PCC G. Schennach European Parliament European Commission Council European Umbrella Associations EuroGeographics, CLGE, EUROGI, etc. European Umbrella Associations EuroGeographics, CLGE, EUROGI, etc. EU-Verordnung directly applicable EU-Directive transpone into national law National agencies

8 June 2006, ViennaBEV - NMCA of Austria EG/PCC G. Schennach  PSI Directive Implementation by national law in 2005 BEV main reference data provider pricing policy private  public user requirements versus authentity of information access and distribution models  INSPIRE Co-Decision Process pricing policy G2G, G2B access via external partners NMCA as national contact point distribution of data / personal data protection / security of services new technologies BEV in EU Policy

8 June 2006, ViennaBEV - NMCA of Austria EG/PCC G. Schennach  co-ordination of national agencies, institutions  contact point for GI on national level and to EC  e-government partner  collaboration for interoperability  voice of national GI partners for core interests  service provider for G2C, G2B  partnership to private sector  pricing models to ensure sustainable provision of reference data and services Challenges for BEV

8 June 2006, ViennaBEV - NMCA of Austria EG/PCC G. Schennach  “EC-services go public”  stronger position for reference data provider  business models under public agencies conditions  user requirements versus user conditions  create options / market for SMEs  data security / personal data protection (citizen)  qualification / CPD / Directive of Services Challenges for the future